Prof. Dr. Abd. Jamal, S.E., M.Si
Tentang Saya (About Me)
I am working as a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business of Syiah Kuala University in Banda Aceh since 2000. In period 1991-2000, I was a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics Malikussaleh University Lhokseumawe and had served as Vice Dean in Administrative and Financial Affairs (1993-1997) and as Vice Dean in Academics Affairs (1997-2000 ). Since working as lecturer at Faculty of Economics and Business of Syiah Kuala University in 2000, I occupy several positions ranging from Secretary of Laboratory of Department Development Economics (2001-2007), Head of Laboratory of Department of Development Economics (2007-2009), Head of Department of Development Economics (2009-2017), and Vice Dean in Academics Affairs (2017-2021), Vice Dean in Student Affairs, Alumni and Partnerships (2021 - 2025). Currently, I work as a lecturer, researcher and professor in Regional Economics . I have many research and publication in international journal and accredited national journal.
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Publikasi (Publications)
Jurnal (Journals)
Abd. Jamal; Cut Zakia Rizki; Fitriyani, Muhammad Rusdi; Asri Diana, 2023, Urban quality of life amidst COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia: do economic and geographical factors influence quality of life?, Journal of Maps, 19 (1), 1-11, 17445647.
Yurina; Raja Masbar; T. Zulham; Abd. Jamal, 2023, Analysis of Interisland Population Interactions in the Five Big Island in Indonesia, Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 58 (2), 119-130, 02582724.
Teuku Fazil Muttaqin; Raja Masbar; Abd. Jamal, 2023, Poverty in Indonesia: An Application of Error Correction Model (ECM) Approach, International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2 (1), 73-83, 2948-4723.
Khairul Aswadi; Abd. Jamal; Sofyan Syahnur, Muhammad Nasir, 2023, Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Consumption in Indonesia: Does it Matter for Economic Growth?, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 13 (2), 107-116, 2146-4553.
Abd. Jamal; Muhammad Nasir; Putri Bintusy Syathi; Fitriyani, 2023, Developing village in the former conflict region of Indonesia through social and economic inclusion: Evidence from Aceh, Cogent Social Sciences, 9 (1), 1-16, 23311886.
Irwan Safwadi, Raja Masbar, Abd. Jamal, T. Zulham, 2023, Examining the Convergence of Human Development using Sigma Convergence Approach to Panel Data Analysis, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, 20, 130-143, 2224-2899.
Mirza Zuhri, Abd Jamal, Putri Bintusy Syathi, 2022, Analysis of Short and Long Term Effect on Government Expenditure Realization and Income Disparity Toward Poverty in Aceh Province, Indonesia, International Journal of Business, Economics and Social Development, 3 (2), 88-92, 2722-1156.
Risnasari; Abd. Jamal; Sofyan Syahnur, 2022, Analysis of Economic Growth Core and Periphery: Evidence from Aceh Province, Indonesia, International Journal of Quantitative Research and Modeling, 3 (2), 66-71, 2721-477X.
Sri Wulan Wijayanti; Abd. Jamal; Putri Bintusy Syathi, 2021, Transmission of Special Autonomic Funds in the Economy through Mediation Variables, International Journal of Quantitative Research and Modeling, 2 (3), 163-172, 2721-477X.
Muhammad Fadhli; Mohd Sadad Mahmud; Ahmad Azrin Adnan; Abd Jamal; Ibraheem Alani AbdulKareem, 2021, Review of Islamic Law Against Execution of Collateral Auctions on Islamic Banking Institutions in Aceh, Indonesia, The Journal of Management Theory and Practice, 2 (1), 88-93, 2716-7089.
Indra Wijaya; Raja Masbar; Aliasuddin; Abd. Jamal, 2021, Impact of Export of Plantation Commodities and Energy Use on Indonesian Economic Growth: A Bound Test Co-Integration Approach, Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 18 (1), 3438-3449, 1567-214x.
Ernawati; Raja Masbar; Shabri A. Majid; Abd. Jamal, 2021, Production and Marketing Efficiency of Patchouli Oil Industry in Indonesia, Regional Science Inquiry, XIII (, 135-148, 1791-5961.
Zulfa Nazli; Abd. Jamal; Muhammad Nasir, 2021, Investigating the Income Inequality in Indonesia: An Application of Autoregressive Distributed Lag Approach, International Journal of Business, Economics and Social Development, 2 (4), 184-193, 2722-1156.
Deop Darius, Abd. Jamal, Putri Bintusy Syathi, 2021, Typological Analysis and Development of District Area Based on Potential Sectors in Pasaman Regency, West Sumatera Province, Indonesia, International Journal of Business, Economics and Social Development, 2 (4), 153-161, 2722-1156.
Martahadi Mardhani; M. Shabri Abd. Majid; Abd. Jamal; Said Muhammad, 2021, DOES INTERNATIONAL TOURISM PROMOTE ECONOMIC GROWTH? SOME EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 37 (3), 775-782, 2065-0817.
Syarifah Labibah; Abd. Jamal; Taufiq C. Dawood, 2021, Indonesian Export Analysis: Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model Approach, Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura, 23 (3), 320 - 328, ISSN: 2088-785X (online).
Mutia Rahmah; Abd. Jamal; Chenny Seftarita, 2020, Mapping Of Superior Creative Industry Potentials (Case Study of the Creative Industries of Handicraft Subsector in the East Aceh District), East African Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 3 (6), 572-579, 2617-7269.
Maria Ulfa, Abd. Jamal and M. Shabri Abd. Majid, 2020, Portrait of Gender Economic Inequality in Indonesia, East African Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 3 (1), 79-85, 2617-7269.
Rika Mauliana; Abd. Jamal; Suriani, 2020, EXPORT ANALYSIS: AUTHORITY OF INFLATION AND EXCHANGE RATE IN ASEAN-8, Trikonomika, 19 (2), 81-86, 2355-7737.
Arlayda; Said Muhammad; Abd. Jamal; Muhammad Nasir; Jumadil Saputra, 2020, Analyzing the Effect of Regional Economic Factors on Maternal Mortality Rate: Evidence of Indonesia, International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 13 (3), 1298-1311, 2201-1323.
Mohd Sadad Mahmud; Muhammad Shah Nawaz; Abd Jamal; Irfan Sabir; Muhammad Bilal Majid; Asad-ur-Rehman; Hamid Mahmood, 2020, Purchase of Halal Products and Consumer Behavioral Intentions: A Systematic Literature Review, International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, 11 (3), 1403-1411, 2005-4289.
Rizky Ananda, Abd. Jamal, Mohd. Sadad Mahmud, 2020, Is the Economic Growth of ASEAN-10 related to Air Transportation? A Panel ARDL Approach, Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, 12 (1), 10-17, 2502-7115.
Eddy Gunawan; Abd. Jamal; Ibnu Abbas, 2020, APAKAH FAKTOR DEMOGRAFI MEMPENGARUHI PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI INDONESIA?, Jurnal Perspektif Ekonomi Darussalam, 6 (1), 100-114, 2502-6976.
Rahimah Khairi Isfani; Said Muhammad; Abd Jamal; Muhammad Nasir; Jumadil Saputra, 2020, Supply Chain Strategy for Developing the Fishery Industry in Aceh Province, Indonesia, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9 (3), 41-51, 2050-7399.
Chenny Seftarita; Fitriyani; Cut Zakia Rizki; Diana Sapha; Abd. Jamal, 2019, Short Term Portfolio Investment and BI Rate: Do They Determine the Stabilization of Rupiah Exchange Rate in Indonesia?, Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 8 (1), 18-28, 2285 – 3642.
Alfan Efendi; Mohd. Nur Syechalad; Chenny Seftarita; Abd. Jamal, 2019, THE EFFECT OF FISHERIES SECTORS ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN ACEH-INDONESIA, International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 4 (3), 1979-1991, 2455-8834.
Nurmaya Sari; Abd. Jamal; Chenny Seftarita, 2019, An Analysis of Comparison of Regional Budget Management in Pidie Regency Before and After The Formation of the New Administrative Region, JURNAL EKONOMI DAN KEBIJAKAN PUBLIK INDONESIA, 6 (1), 68-85, 2549-8355.
Reovasimulo Anakusara; Abd. Jamal; Chenny Seftarita; Indra Maipita, 2019, ECONOMIC GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT IN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR ON POVERTY IN ACEH PROVINCE, Trikonomika, 18 (1), 1-7, 2355-7737.
Elda Elnovita; Abd. Jamal; Chenny Seftarita; Jumadil Saputra, 2019, Analysis of demand for food commodities and its impact on the poverty, Opción, 35(89), 455-474, 2477-9385.
Afzal, Abd. Jamal, Muhammad nasir, 2019, Socio-Economic and Divorce in Aceh Province, Mimbar, 35 (2), 383-391, 2303-2499.
Yandi Yusnandar, Raja Masbar, Nazamuddin, Abd. Jamal, 2019, Determinants of labor force participation and its impact on the standard of living of working age individuals in Indonesia, a gender perspective, Economics Bulletin, 40 (2), 989-1001, 15452921.
Saiful Hurri, Said Muhammad, Abd. Jamal, M. Shabri Abd. Madjid, 2019, Do exports of oil and gas still matter for regional economic growth of Sumatra, Indonesia?, Regional Science Inquiry, XI (2), 9-18, 1791-7735.
Muhifuddin Muhifuddin; Abd. Jamal; Asmawati, 2018, Analisis Yield-Effort Curve dan Produksi Sektor Perikanan Tangkap di Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik Indonesia, 5 (2), 151-167, 2549-8355.
Novialita Devy; Abd. Jamal, 2017, Analisis Daya Saing Ekspor Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil (TPT) Indonesia Menuju Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA), JIM EKP, 2.1, 153-163, 2549-836302.
Dimas Alifiansyah; Abd. Jamal, 2017, Profil Urban Kota Banda Aceh, Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi Pembangunan, 2.1, 62-72, .
Rahmattullah; Mohd. Nur Syechalad; Abd. Jamal; Muhammad Nasir, 2017, Analysis the economic growth factors of strategic zone in Aceh Province, Indonesia, International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 5 (12), 7636-7643, 2321-3418.
Abd. Jamal, 2017, Geographical Economic Concentration, Growth and Decentralization: Empirical Evidence in Aceh, Indonesia, Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, 18 (2), 142-158, 2460-9331.
Riski Maulana, Abd. Jamal, 2016, Analisis Keterkaitan antar Sektor di Provinsi Aceh, JIM EKP, 1.1, 226-234, .
Siti Marhamah, Abd. Jamal, 2016, Analisis Ketimpangan dan Perubahan Struktur Ekonomi Kawasan BASAJAN, JIM EKP, 1.1, 246-253, .
Abd. Jamal; Said Muhammad; Raja Masbar; Aliasuddin, 2015, Did Indonesian Political Economic Reform Reduce Economic Growth Disparities Among Regions?, DLSU Business & Economics Review, 25.1, 81-94, 0116-7111.
Harlini Putri; Abd. Jamal, 2014, Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Lokasi Perumahan di Kota Banda Aceh, Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik Indonesia (EKaPI), 1.2, 55-61, 2442-7411.
Abd. Jamal, 2007, Analisis Proyeksi Kebutuhan Investasi Swasta di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 6.2, 157-172, 1412-4467.
Abd. Jamal, 2006, Efektivitas Kebijakan Moneter Indonesia: Pendekatan ECM, Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 5.2, 195-204, 1412-4467.
Prosiding (Proceedings)
Cut Risya Varlitya; Raja Masbar; Abd. Jamal; Muhammad Nasir, 2019, Do Fiscal Decentralization and Human Development Index Affect Poverty in Indonesia?, Proceedings of the 1st Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018); Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Vol 292, Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018), Banda Aceh, 17-18 Oktober 2018, , Published by Atlantis Press, 563-573, 2352-5398.
Junaidi; Abd. Jamal; Sofyan Syahnur, 2019, Sukuk and Endogenous Growth in Indonesia: Generalized Method of Moments Approach, Proceedings of the 1st Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018); Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Vol 292, Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018), Banda Aceh, 17-18 Oktober 2018, , Published by Atlantis Press, 633-639, 2352-5398.
Bonaraja Purba; Raja Masbar; Indra Maipita; Abd. Jamal, 2019, The Effect of Capital Expenditure and Gross Fixed Capital Formation on Income Disparity in West Coast Region of North Sumatera, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 260, International Conference on Agriculture, Environment, and Food Security, Medan, 24–25 October 2018, England, IOP Publishing, 012022, 1755-1315.
Buku (Books)
Nasir Azis; Abd Jamal; M. Shabri Abd Madjid; Said Muniruddin; Fakhruddin; Miksalmina; Cut Zakia Rizki; Fitriyani, 2020, Ala AMINULLAH PERANGI RENTENIR, Banda Aceh, Bandar Publishing, 978-623-7936-27-5.
Tan Khee Giap et al, 2020, Annual Competitiveness Analysis and Impact Estimation of Welfare Spending on Fiscal Sustainability of Sub-National Economies of Indonesia: Commentary on Recent Developments in Aceh, 2017-2019, Singapore, Asia Competitiveness Institute - Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy , 978-981-1476-46-4.
Apridar; Nasir; Abd. Jamal, 2019, Konvergensi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Analisis Pasca Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Graha Ilmu, 978-623-228-011-3.
Tan Khee Giap et al, 2019, Annual Competitiveness Analysis and Impact Estimation of Exchange Rates on Export from Sub-National Economies of Indonesia; Commentary on Recent Developments in Aceh, 2016-2018, Singapore, Asia Competitiveness Institute - Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy , 978-0-00-098766-2.