Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Syuhada, M.Sc
Tentang Saya (About Me)
Ahmad Syuhada is a lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Syiah Kuala University since 1987. Obtained Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with a field of Energy Conversion expertise at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Syiah Kuala University in 1986, then in 2090 earned a Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering at field of Heat Transfer expertise from the Bandung Institute of Technology and completed his Doctoral degree in Thermal Enggenering at Nagoya University Japan. Academic positions in 1-3- 1987 were appointed CPNS, 1-5-1988 full III / a goals, 1-10-1991 Assistant Experts and 1-10-1991 pIIIII / b, May 1, 2007 Assistant Expert, 1-1 -1994 become Lectures (200) and 1-10-1994 rank III / c, 1-1-1996 becomes Lektor (300) and 1-10-1996 rank III / d, 1-3-2002 become Head Lecture (400) and 1-4-2004 IV / a, 1-4- 2007 be Professors and rank 1-4-2008 rank IV / b, 1-4-2010 rank IV / c and 1-4-2012 rank IV / d and the staffing field has reached the highest rank IVe as of October 1, 2014. In addition to teaching and guiding students, it is also active in research in the field of heat transfer science and fluid mechanics of its participation in various national and international seminars in the field of thermal. Many publications have been produced in both international journals and national journals.
Publikasi (Publications)
Jurnal (Journals)
Ahmad Syuhada, 2020, Convective Heat Transfer Study On The Spiral Finned Tube Heat Exchanger Under Various Fin Pitch Arrangements, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology 2019, 463, 7, 012024.
Ahmad Syuhada, 2020, The Potential Of Wind Velocity In The Banda Aceh Coast To The Ability To Generate Electrical Energy By Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines, 5th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research 2019 (ICMER 2019), 788, 9, 012082.
Ahmad Syuhada, 2020, Influence of Forestry and Agriculture By-Products as Filler Materials on Thermal Conductivity of Fiberboard Panels Applied for Heat-Conditioned Building Partition Wall, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 402, 56-60, 1662-9507.
Muhammad, Ahmad Syuhada, 2019, Study on Heat Loss through Dump Truck Wall Insulated by Sengon Wood, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 58, 126-134, 2289-7879.
Ahmad Syuhada, 2019, Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Tube Pass Length on The Characteristics of Heat Transfer in U-Sharp Turned Channels, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 60, 124-131, 2289-7879.
Muhammad, Ahmad Syuhada, 2019, Experimental Study on the Effect of Flow rate on the Performance of Two-Blade Archimedes Screw Turbine, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 61, 10-19, 2289-7879.
Ahmad Syuhada, 2018, Study of Heat Transfer Characteristics on Sharp Turn Channels for Solar Collectors, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 45, 82-91, 2289-7879.
Ahmad Syuhada,, 2012, Optimasi penyerapan panas memanfaatkan energi matahari pada kolektor, Teknik mesin, 1, 76-80, 2302-0245.
Ahmad Syuhada,, 2012, Analisa pengaruh kelembaban relatif dalam ikubator telur, Teknik mesin, 1, 1-7, 2302-0245.
Ahmad Syuhada,, 2012, Karakteristik material penyimpan kalor laten menggunakan metode T-History, Teknik mesin, 1, 1-5, 2301-8224.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Syuhada, M.Sc ,, 2010, Kajian terhadap kemampuan tanaman tanam di perumahahan kota dalam penyerapan panas radiasi matahari untuk mengatasi panas global, Teknik mesin, 5, 33-37, 1907-350x.
Prosiding (Proceedings)
Abdul Munir, Ahmad Syuhada, Muhammad Ilham Maulana, 2021, Study of the Effect Sudu Length on Electricity Power Generation by WInd Speed in Banda Aceh Beach, materials science and engineering, International Conference on Experimental and Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ICECME) 2020, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 13-14 Oktober 2020, Singapore, Springer Singapore, 73-80, 2195-4356.
Ahmad Syuhada, 2020, The potential of wind velocity in the Banda Aceh coast to the ability to generate electrical energy by horizontal axis wind turbines, materials science and engineering, 5th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER), Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia, 30-31 Juli 2019, , IOP Publishing Ltd, 0, 012082.
Ahmad Syuhada, 2020, Heat Transfer Analysis on the Tube Type Heat Exchanger with Fin Pitch Variations, materials science and engineering, International Conference on Experimental and Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ICECME) 2019, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 18-19 September, , IOP Publishing Ltd, 0, 012017.
Ahmad Syuhada, 2020, Convective Heat Transfer Study On The Spiral Finned Tube Heat Exchanger Under Various Fin Pitch Arrangements, earth and environmental science, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology 2019, bangkok, thailand, 11-14 December 2019, pahang, malaysia, IOP Publishing Ltd, 0, 012024.
Ahmad Syuhada, 2018, Heat Transfer Capability of Solar Radiation in Colored Roof and Influence on Room Thermal Comfort, The 3rd International Conference on Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering, American Institute of Physics, , , America, American Institute of Physics, 0, 978-0-7354-1623-9.
Muhammad, Ahmad Syuhada, 2018, Computational Fluid Dynamic Predictions on Effects of Screw Number on Performance of Single Blade Archimedes Screw Turbine, 3rd i-TREC 2018, 3rd i-TREC 2018 , , , America, , 0, .
Ahmad Syuhada, 2018, Blade Number Impact On Pressure And Performance Of Archimedes Screw Turbine Using CFD, The 3rd International Conference on Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering, , , , America, American Institute of Physics, 0, 978-0-7354-1623-9.
Ahmad Syuhada, 2018, Absorber Thickness Effect on The Effectiveness of Solar Collectors to Production Hot Air For Drying, 3rd i-TREC 2018 , 3rd i-TREC 2018 , Bali, 6-8 Septmber 2018, America, E3S Web of Conferences 67, 0, 978-0-7354-1494-5.
Ahmad Syuhada, 2017, Characteristics of Heat Transfer on Solar Collector Channel by Using a Sharp Turn, International Conference on Thermal Science and Technology , (ICTST) 2017, , , America, American Institute of Physics, 0, 978-0-7354-1700-7.
Muhammad, Ahmad Syuhada, 2017, Analysis of Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine (DAWT) with Flange and Curved Interior Using CFD, International Conference on Thermal Science and Technology (ICTST), American Institute of Physics, , , America, American Institute of Physics, 0, 978-0-7354-1700-7.
Ahmad Syuhada, 2017, Analysis of Wind Energy Potential for Agriculture Pump in Mountain Area Aceh Besar, Green Process, Material, and Energy: A Sustainable Solution for Climate Change, , , , 2017, American Institute of Physics, 0, 1551-7616.
Ahmad Syuhada,, 2013, Analisy of thermal comfort at gelanggang mahasiswa Prof. A. Madjid Ibrahim, Syah Kuala Universty, 14th International conference (SENVAR) 2013, International conference, Banda Aceh, 7-9 November 2013, Universitas syah kuala Banda Aceh, Jurusan mesin fakultas teknik universitas syah kuala banda aceh, 189-194, -.
Ahmad Syuhada,, 2013, Study of garden trees ability to absorb heat for local heat reduction, 8 th Internatinal Conference on fluid and Thermal energy conversion (FTEC), Seminar Internasional, Semarang, 8-11 November 2013, Semarang, Universitas Teknik Mesin Semarang, -, -.
Ahmad Syuhada,, 2013, Analisis tingkat kemampuan penyerapan panas radiasi matahari oleh tanaman tanam untuk mengatasi panas lokal, Seminar tahunan teknik mesin, Seminar nasional Tahunan, lampung, 23-24 oktober 2013, lampung, Universitas Teknik lampung, -, -.
Ahmad Syuhada,, 2013, Studi kemampuan tanaman rumah dalam penyerapan panas matahari untuk mengatasi panas lokal, Konferensi Nasional Engineering perhotelan IV, Antar Teknik Mesin, Bali, 27-28 Juni 2013, Universitas Udayana, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Udayana, -, -.
Ahmad Syuhada,, 2012, Kaji eksperimental sistem penukar panas air surya menggunakan kolektor surya yang di lengkapi material penyimpan panas, Mesin Dan Industri (SNM17), Seminar nasional, Jakarta, 29 november 2012, Jakarta, Universitas Taruna Negara, -, -.
Ahmad Syuhada,, 2012, Perencanaan dan pengujian sistem pengering ikan memanfaatkan sumber energi panas bumi ie-seum kabupaten Aceh Besar, Mesin dan industri (SNM17), Seminar nasional, Jakarta, 29 november 2012, Jakarta, Universitas Taruna Negara, -, -.
Ahmad Syuhada,, 2012, Karakteristik perpindahan panas peleburan parafin-AI203 sebagai material penyimpan panas, Energi Terbarukan dan produksi bersih 2012, Seminar nasional, Lampung, -, Lampung, Universitas Teknik lampung, -, -.
Ahmad Syuhada,, 2011, Capability study of garden plant in the absorption of solar heat overcome local heat, Seminar nasional tahunan Teknik mesin (SNTTM) ke-10, Seminar nasional, Malang, 2-3 november 2011, Malang, Jurusan mesin fakultas teknik universitas Brawijaya Malang, 512-518, 978-602-19028-0-6.
Ahmad Syuhada,, 2011, Kajian karakteristik perpindahan panas(massa) pada saluran persegi empat dengan belokan tajam 180 derajat (pengaruh sudut dinding pemisah clearance belokan), Seminar Nasional thermafluid, Seminar nasional, Universitas gajah mada, , -, UGM, 22-28, 978-979-97986-6-4.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Syuhada, M.Sc ,, 2010, Kajian tingkat kemampuan penyerapan panas matahari pada atap bangunan seng berwarna, -, Seminar nasional tahunan teknik mesin (SNTTM) ke-9, Palembang, 13 sampai 16 oktober 2010, Palembang, -, -, -.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Syuhada, M.Sc ,, 2008, Pemanas awal kelapa batok untuk pengolahan kopra, Sains dan Teknologi, Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian Antar Universitas, Banda Aceh, 10-12 Maret 2008, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala Universitas Press, 427-432, 978-979-8278-27-3.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Syuhada, M.Sc ,, 2008, sistem penyalean pisang bertingkat dengan menggunakan energi bahan bio-massa, sains dan teknologi-II, Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian Antar Universitas, Lampung, 17-18 november 2008, Lampung, Lembaga penelitian universitas lampung, 50-58, 978-979-1165-74-7.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Syuhada, M.Sc ,, 2008, Teknologi pengering ikan/kemamah untuk korban Tsunami Di Aceh, Sains Dan Teknologi, Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian Antar Universitas, Banda Aceh, 10-12 Maret 2008, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala Universitas Press, 373-377, 978-979-8278-27-7.