Prof. Dr. Ashfa, S.T., M.T.

Tentang Saya (About Me)

Ashfa, graduated from Civil Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, in 1997. He had been a lecturer at Architecture and Planning Department, Syiah Kuala University, in 2000. A Master of Urban Design (Architecture) from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya was achieved in 2000. In 2011, He was awarded a scholarship from Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti) to pursue his doctorate study at University of Sumatera Utara, Regional Planning Study Program, completed in 2014. The Sandwich-like Program funded by Dikti at Spatial Information Science, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science, The University of Tsukuba, Japan was conducted in 2013. His supervisor is Prof. Yuji Murayama, D.Sc. The subjects covered include Urban Planning and Design, Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Morphology, Land Use Planning, and Urban Design and Planning. The current research focuses on spatial analysis, land use and land cover changes modeling, and Geographic Information System/Remote Sensing.

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Publikasi (Publications)

Jurnal (Journals)

Faisal Azwar, Ashfa Achmad, Mahidin Mahidin, Mirza Irwansyah, 2024, Urban Growth Pattern Changes Model in Small Island of Aceh Province, Indonesia: Implications for Sustainable Spatial Development, Polish Journal of Environmental studies, 33 (4), 3587-3598, 2083-5906.

Ashfa Achmad, Ichwana Ramli, Sugiarto Sugiarto, Irzaidi Irzaidi, Atika Izzaty, 2024, Assessing and Forecasting Carbon Stock Variations in Response to Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Central Aceh, Indonesia, International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, Vol. 1, 465-475, 1755-7437 (Print); 1755-7445 (Online).

Ashfa Achmad, Ichwana Ramli, Nizamuddin Nizamuddin, Arief Gunawan, Siti Zahrina Fakhrana, 2024, The impact of land use and land cover changes on ecosystem service value in Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh, Indonesia, Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series, No. 26, 69-76, 2300-8490 .

Farah Mutia, Dyah Erti Idawati, Ashfa Achmad, 2023, Public Open Space Arrangement Model In Summarecon Bekasi Residential Area for Covid-19 Pandemic Mitigation, Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology, 12 (2), 254-268, 2088-9860 (p) ; 2503-2398 (e).

Ashfa Achmad, Ichwana Ramli, Nizamuddin Nizamuddin, 2023, Impact of land use and land cover changes on carbon stock in Aceh Besar District, Aceh, Indonesia, Journal of Water and Land Development, No. 57, 159–166, 2083-4535.

Ichwana Ramli, Ashfa Achmad, Ashabul Anhar, 2023, Temporal changes in Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) and local climate in the Krueng Peusangan Watershed (KPW) area, Aceh, Indonesia, Bulletin of Geography: Socio-Economic Series, Vol. 5, 151-165, 17324254, 20838298.

Widya Soviana, Munirwansyah, Syamsidik, Ashfa Achmad, 2023, Study of Model and Material Houses Effect on Tsunami Hazard in Banda Aceh City Using SmarthPLS, Construction Technologies and Architecture, Vol. 4, 181-194, 2674-1237.

Zihan Atika, Ashfa Achmad, Arief Gunawan, 2022, Monitoring perubahan penggunaan lahan dan tutupan lahan di kecamatan bukit kabupaten bener meriah tahun 2009-2019, RAUT : Jurnal Arsitektur dan Perencanaan,, Vol. 1, 34-43, 2085-0905.

Sabri Badruddin, Ashfa Achmad, Noer Fadhly, 2022, Model Klasterisasi Wilayah Kota Berdasarkan Indeks Infrastruktur Untuk Perencanaan Struktur Ruang Berkelanjutan, Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan, Vol. 5, 222-235, E-ISSN: 2615-1340; P-ISSN: 2620-7567.

Evalina Zuraidi, Rosilawati Binti Zainol, Yahaya Bin Ahmad, Ashfa Achmad, 2022, UNDERSTANDING THE EVOLUTION AND GLOBAL TRENDS OF RESILIENCE AND URBAN PLANNING STUDIES: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS, PLANNING MALAYSIA: Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, Vol. 2, 260-271, 01280945, 16756215.

Ichwana Ramli, Hairul Basri, Ashfa Achmad, Rahajeng G.A.P. Basuki, Moch. Abdilah Nafis, 2022, Linear Regression Analysis Using Log Transformation Model for Rainfall Data in Water Resources Management Krueng Pase, Aceh, Indonesia, International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, Vol. 7, 79-86, 1755-7437 (Print); 1755-7445 (Online).

Ashfa Achmad, Noer Fadhly, Anwar Deli, Ichwana Ramli, 2022, Urban growth and its impact on land surface temperature in an industrial city in Aceh, Indonesia, Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 15, 39-58, 18644031, 1864404X.

Sugiarto Sugiarto, Heru Fahlevi, Ashfa Achmad, Lia Fajri, Tomio Miwa, 2021, The Relative Importance of Bus System’s Perceived Service Quality (Psq) Attributes among Public and Private Mode Users in Indonesia, JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING SCIENCE, Vol. 1, 600-609, 1451-4117.

Muhammad Khaled, Muhammad Isya, Ashfa Achmad, 2021, Model Pengadaan Lahan untuk Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Kota Sigli, Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan, Vol. 4, 1-9, E-ISSN: 2615-1340; P-ISSN: 2620-7567.

Renny Anggeraeni Robin, Noer Fadhly, Ashfa Achmad, 2021, Analisis Jalur Trans Kutaraja di Kota Banda Aceh di Tinjau Dari Pengembangan Wilayah, Jurnal Penelitian Transportasi Darat, Vol. 2, 88-105, 2579-8731.

Issana Meria Burhan, Ashfa Achmad, Putra Rizkiya, Zainuddin Hasan, 2020, Forecasting the land use change of urban coastal area in Banda Aceh and its impact on urban sustainability using LandUseSIM cellular automata simulation model., Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology (AIJST), Vol. 9, 120-131, 2503-2348.

Maulidan Mahmud, Ashfa Achmad, Azmeri Azmeri, 2020, Pengembangan Ekowisata di Kawasan Waduk Keuliling Kecamatan Kuta Cot Glie Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan, Vol. 3, 138-147, ISSN: 2615 1340.

Efa Maisara, Ashfa Achmad, Azmeri Azmeri, 2020, Model Pengembangan dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Lingkungan Fisik Kawasan Simpang Tujuh Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh, Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan, Vol. 3, 89-99, 2615-1340.

Azhar A Arif, Izarul Machdar, Azmeri, Ashfa Achmad, 2019, Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Cover in Small Islands Case Study: Weh-Sabang Island, Indonesia , Jurnal Koridor, 10, No, 48-53, 2086-910X.

Ashfa Achmad, Mirza Irwansyah, Nizamuddin Nizamuddin, Ichwana Ramli, 2019, Land Use and Cover Changes and Their Implications on Local Climate in Sabang City, Weh Island, Indonesia, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 145 , 1-7, 07339488.

Ashfa Achmad, Laina Hilma Sari, Ichwana Ramli, 2019, A study of urban heat island of Banda Aceh City, Indonesia based on land use/cover changes and land surface temperature, Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology, 8(1), 41-51, 2503-2398 (eISSN).

Fajar Mustika, Muhammad Isya, Ashfa Achmad, 2018, Analisis Pengaruh Kepadatan Permukiman Terhadap Pelayanan Infrastruktur Di Kota Banda Aceh, Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (JARSP), 1 (4), 138-147, 2615-1340.

Amalia Herman, Teuku Budi Aulia, Ashfa Achmad, 2018, Strategi Pemanfaatan Tempat Evakuasi Sementara Kecamatan Peukan Bada Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan, 1 (2), 113-120, 2615-1340.

Ashfa Achmad, Mirza Irwansyah, Ichwana Ramli, 2018, Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Urban Highlands: The Case of Takengon Region, Aceh Tengah, Indonesia , International Journal of Ecology and Development, 33, 94-107, 0973-7308.

Ashfa Achmad, 2017, The Influence of Green Open Spaces and Historical Areas on Urban Growth of Banda Aceh, Indonesia: A Case study using the Sim-Weight Method , International Journal of Ecology and Development, 32, 67-74, 0973-7308.

Ashfa Achmad, Sirojuzilam Hasyim, Badaruddin Rangkuti, Dwira N. Aulia, 2015, Spatial relationship between city center and economic activity center on urban growth in tsunami-prone city: The case of Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Jurnal Teknologi, 75-1, 47-53, 2180-3722.

Ashfa Achmad. Sirojuzilam Hasyim, Badaruddin Dahlan, Dwira N. Aulia, 2015, Modeling of urban growth in tsunami-prone city using logistic regression: Analysis of Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Applied Geography, 62, 237-246, 0143-6228.

Ashfa Achmad, Sirojuzilam, Badaruddin, Dwira N. Aulia, 2014, Analysis of urban growth pattern and socioeconomic aspect after the tsunami disaster: The case of Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 03, 428-435, 2321-7308.

Prosiding (Proceedings)

Ashfa Achmad, Ichwana Ramli, Sugiarto Sugiarto, 2023, The Dynamics of Landscape Pattern Changes in the Central Aceh Region 2009–2019: A Preliminary Study for Sustainable Spatial Planning, Beyond Sustainability in Design, Planning, and Innovation, 6th International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning (ICIAP) 2022, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 13 s.d. 14 Oktober 2022, Singapore, Springer Singapore, 479-489, 23662565, 23662557.

Widya Soviana, Munirwansyah, Syamsidik, Ashfa Achmad, 2023, Analysis of tsunami disaster mitigation priority on urban area settlement, , World Sustainable Construction Conference Series 13/10/2022 - 15/10/2022 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13 s.d. 15 Oktober 2022, , IOP Publishing Ltd, 1-13, 17551307, 17551315.

Arie Warisman; Ashfa Achmad; Noer Fadhly, 2022, The influence of physical and social aspects on land prices in Banda Aceh city, Green Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1st International Conference on Civil Engineering Education (ICCEE 2021), Universitas Negeri Malang, Yogyakarta, 12 Agustus 2021, , AIP Publishing LLC, , 0094243X, 15517616.

Ichwana Ramli , Ashfa Achmad , Hairul Basri , and Atika Izzaty, 2022, Erosion and Distribution of Total Suspended Sediment (TSS) Using Landsat-8 in Krueng Pase Watershed, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering , The Second International Conference of Construction, Infrastructure, and Materials, Jakarta, Indonesia, 26 Juli 2021, , Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, 23-33, 23662557, 23662565.

Auliaur Rahman, Ichwana Ramli, Mirza Irwansyah, Ashfa Achmad, 2022, Prediction of Settlement Growth in Meulaboh Urban Area (MUA) and Its Implication for Carrying Capacity, , The 4th International Conference on Agricultural Technology, Engineering, and Environmental Sciences, Banda Aceh, 9 s.d. 10 Agustus 2022, , IOP Publishing Ltd., 1-11, 17551307, 17551315.

Sugiarto Sugiarto, Miftahul Jannah Huta Barat, Sofyan M. Saleh, Ashfa Achmad, and Irham Iskandar, 2022, Choice model and influencing factors of the travel mode for motorcycle and BRT-lite in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Technology, Informatics, and Engineering, 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATICS, AND ENGINEERING, Malang, Indonesia, 28-29 Juli 2021, , AIP Publishing, 2-6, 0094243X, 15517616.

Ridha Hadi, Ashfa Achmad, and Noer Fadhly, 2021, Biophysical Aspects that Influence the Increase of Slum Area in the Sigli Region, Aceh, Indonesia, , The 1st South East Asia Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics International Conference (SEA- STEM IC) , Indonesia, 20-22 Oktober 2020, , IOP Publishing Ltd., , 17551307, 17551315.

Adrian Abubakar, Mirza Fuady, and Ashfa Achmad, 2021, The evaluation of green open space of disaster prone coastal areas, , The 10th Annual International Conference on Science and Engineering (10th AIC 2020) , Banda Aceh, 15-16 Oktober 2020, , IOP Publishing Ltd., , 17551307, 17551315.

Ashfa Achmad, Noer Fadhly, Anwar Deli, Ichwana Ramli, Ridha Hadi, 2021, Model prediction and scenario of urban land use and land cover changes for sustainable spatial planning in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia, Energy-Responsible Building Technology and Life Cycle for Sustainable Built Environment, The 3rd International Conference on Green Civil and Environmental Engineering (GCEE2021), Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Jawa Timur, 12 Agustus 2021, IOP PUBLISHING LTD , TEMPLE CIRCUS, TEMPLE WAY, BRISTOL, ENGLAND, BS1 6BE, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, -, 17551307, 17551315.

Anisa Savitri, Ashfa Achmad, Noer Fadhly, 2021, The change of land use patterns and cover on the surface runoff in Krueng Meuraksa sub-watershed, The quality of environment and its impacting changes to the society, The 3rd International Conference on Green Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang, 12 Agustus 2021, , IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1-9, 1755-1315.

Ichwana Ramli, Ashfa Achmad, Ashabul Anhar, 2021, Landscape patterns changes and relation to water infiltration of Krueng Peusangan Watershed in Aceh, Smart and Green Spatial Infrastructure; Creative Human Settlement and Sustainable Urban Development; and Approaches for Resilient Regional Development., The 5th International Conference Planning in the Era Uncertainty, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, 19 Juli 2021, , IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1-8, 1755-1315.

Ashfa Achmad, Noer Fadhly, Anwar Deli, Ichwana Ramli, Ridha Hadi, 2021, Model prediction and scenario of urban land use and land cover changes for sustainable spatial planning in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia, The 3rd International Conference on Green Civil and Environmental Engineering, The 3rd International Conference on Green Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang, 12 Agustus 2021, , IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1-11, 1755-1315.

Azhar A Arif, Izarul Machdar, Azmeri, Ashfa Achmad, 2021, Vulnerability factors in small islands and environmental carrying capacity by the AHP method. Case Study: Weh Island, Aceh, Indonesia, , 12th ACEH International Workshop on Sustainable Tsunami Disaster Recovery: Sharing Experience, Knowledge and Culture, Tohoku Jepang, 27-28 November 2019, , IOP Publishing Ltd, , 17551307, 17551315.

Ashfa Achmad, Ichwana Ramli, Mirza Irwansyah, 2020, The impacts of land use and cover changes on ecosystem services value in urban highland areas, SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES IN URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING, THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PLANNING TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY (ICoPS), Surakarta, 6-7 November 2019, , IOP Publishing, , 1755-1315.

Ashfa Achmad, Issana Meria Burhan, Evalina Zuraidi, Ichwana Ramli, 2020, Determination of recharge areas to optimize the function of urban protected areas on a small island, The 5th Friendly City Conference: Enhancing Culture, Community and Environment, The 5th Friendly City Conference, Hotel Aston, Medan, Indonesia, 12 September 2019, , IOP Publishing, , 1755-1315.

Ichwana Ramli, Siti Rusdiana, Alfiansyah Yulianur, Ashfa Achmad, 2019, Comparisons among rainfall prediction of monthly rainfall basis data in Aceh using an autoregressive moving average, Environmental Science, ICATES 2019, Banda Aceh, 21-22 Agustus 2019, -, IOP Publishing, , 1755-1315.

Azhar A Arif, Izarul Machdar, Azmeri, Ashfa Achmad, 2019, Analysis of environmental carrying capacity with AHP in ArcGIS of Weh Island, Environmental Science, 2nd ICFAES 2019, Banda Aceh, 19-20 Juni 2019, -, IOP Publishing, , 1755-1315.

Editor dan Reviewer Prosiding Semnas ASPI 2019 PWK Untan, 2019, Prosiding Semnas ASPI 2019 PWK Untan, Percepatan penyelenggaraan penataan ruang yang inklusif, inovatif, dan berkelanjutan, Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Universitas Tanjung Pura, Pontianak, 3 Oktober 2019, Pontianak, Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Universitas Tanjung Pura, , 978-623-91612-0-0.

Ashfa Achmad, Zainuddin Zainuddin, Muftiadi Muftiadi, 2019, The relationship between land surface temperature and water index in the urban area of a tropical city, -, ICATES 2019, Banda Aceh, 22 Agustus 2019, -, IOP Publishing, , -.

Ichwana Ramli, Sayed Murtadha, Zulkifli Nasution, Ashfa Achmad, 2019, Hydrograph separation method and baseflow separation using Chapman Method – A case study in Peusangan Watershed, Environment, The 1st International Conference on Environmental Sciences (ICES2018), -, 2018, -, IOP Publishing, , 1755-1315.

Azhar A. Arif, Izarul Machdar, Bastian Arifin, Ashfa Achmad, 2018, Pattern of land use change base on environmental carrying capacity in small island: a case of Weh Island, , The 1st International Conference on Fisheries Aquatic and Environmental Science, Banda Aceh, 26 s.d. 27 September 2018, , IOP Publishing, , 1755-1315.

Ashfa Achmad, Mirza Irwansyah, Ichwana Ramli, 2018, Prediction of future urban growth using CA-Markov for urban sustainability planning of Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Friendly City International Conference, Friendly City International Conference 2017, Medan, Indonesia, 11 Oktober 2017, , IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , .

Ichwana Ramli, Ashfa Achmad, Siti Chairani, 2016, Determination of Micro Watershed Model Based on Ecohydrology for the Management at Krueng Peusangan Watershed, Engineering and Technology, International Conference of Engineering and Science for Researh and Development (ICESReD), Banda Aceh, 25 s.d. 26 Oktober 2016, Banda Aceh, FT Unsyiah, , 2541-4151.

Ichwana, Ashfa Achmad, Susi Chairani, 2015, Climate trends and dynamic change of land use patterns in Krueng Peusangan Watershed, Aceh-Indonesia, International Symposium of Geoinformatics (ISYG) 2015, International Symposium of Geoinformatics (ISYG) 2015, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, 2-3 Desember 2015, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, International Symposium of Geoinformatics (ISYG) 2015, , 2477-233X.

Ashfa Achmad, 2015, The influence of green open space and historical area on the urban growth using SimWeight Method, APSA 2015, 13th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA) 2015, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 12-14 Agustus 2015, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 0, .

Zulkifli Nasution, Ichwana, Ashfa Achmad, Kansih Sri Hartini, 2014, Manajemen lahan dalam konteks tata guna lahan pada pembukaan lahan transmigrasi di Gampong Owaq Kecamatan Linge Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Seminar HITI , Seminar HITI , Banda Aceh, 16-17 September 2014, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, , 978-602-1270-17-2.

Sirojuzilam, Ashfa Achmad, Badaruddin Rangkuti, Dwira N. Aulia, 2014, Upaya untuk meningkatkan manfaat sosial-ekonomi dan mitigasi di kawasan pesisir pascatsunami melalui peninjauan kembali penggunaan lahan, Seminar Nasional Lingkungan Hidup, Seminar Nasional Lingkungan Hidup, Medan, 18 Juni 2014, Medan, USU Press Medan, , 979-458-774-5.

Ashfa Achmad, 2013, Land use changes in the urban growth process after a tsunami using RS and GIS: a case of Banda Aceh, Indonesia, CSIS Days 2013 The University of Tokyo, CSIS Days 2013, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwanoha Campus, Jepang, 22-23 Novermber 2013, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwanoha Campus, Jepang, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwanoha Campus, Jepang, , .

Ashfa Achmad; Khairul Huda; Irzaidi, 2013, Physical condition of green infrastructure in improving the environmental comfort of urban area, The 14th International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Architecture (SENVAR), The 14th International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Architecture (SENVAR), Banda Aceh, 7-9 November 2013, 9 Novermber 2013, Syiah Kuala University Press, , 978-979-8278-97-6.

Ashfa, 2010, Review of Land Use in Implementing Spatial Plan, Proceeding of Aceh Development International Conference (ADIC) 2010, Aceh Development International Conference (ADIC) 2010, University Putra Malaysia (UPM) Serdang Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia, 26 s.d. 28 Maret 2010, University Putra Malaysia (UPM) Serdang Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia, Persatuan Pelajar Aceh PPA-UPM, 794-800, 978-967-5742-00-2.

Ashfa, 2009, Penataan jalur pedestrian di kawasan Peunayong Kota Banda Aceh dalam upaya mengoptimalkan fungsinya sebagai kawasan perdagangan/jasa dan wisata heritage, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Identitas Kota-Kota Masa Depan di Indonesia, Seminar Nasional Identitas Kota-Kota Masa Depan di Indonesia, Sanur, Denpasar, Bali, 21 Desember 2009, Jakarta, GMPPR-DITJEN PENATAAN RUANG, DEP. PEKERJAAN UMUM-IAI-IAP, I-21 s.d I-27, -.

Buku (Books)

Ichwana Ramli, Ashfa Achmad, 2022, Konsep Ekohidrologi dalam Konservasi Sumberdaya Lahan dan Air, Yogyakarta, Deepublish, 978-623-02-5895-4.

Ashfa, 2017, Pemodelan Pola Perubahan Tata Guna Tanah Kawasan Perkotaan, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, 978-602-1270-35-6.

Training/Diklat (Workshops)

07-04-2022, Qualitative Research Mastery Class, 24 s.d. 31 Maret 2022., Shift Academy, Yogyakarta
27-09-2021, Pelatihan Workshop Competency Based Interview Tim Penilai Uji Kompetensi Jabatan Fungsional Penata Ruang, Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional, Jakarta, zoom meeting
25-02-2021, Analisis spasial menggunakan R: 22 s.d. 25 Februari 2021, Grup Riset Geoinformatika, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya Malang., -
21-09-2020, Launching and Workshop on Ecosystem WebGIS Platform and INA-Alert Mobile Application (Daring), 21-23 September 2020, IPB University, Bogor
20-07-2020, Urban Geographic Exploration, Observation, and Simulation Workshop (URGEOS 2020): Planning 4.0 with Urban Modeling Software (Daring) (20 Juli s.d. 15 September 2020), Urbanesha ITS, Surabaya
03-12-2019, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Rencana Detail Tata Ruang Tingkat Menengah, Blended Learning (3 s.d. 13 Desember 2019), Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional, Gunung Putri, Cikeas, Kabupaten Bogor.
03-09-2019, Pelatihan Reviewer Penelitian Angkatan XV tahun 2019, Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan bekerjasama dengan Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, Banda Aceh, 3-7 September 2019
24-06-2019, Pemodelan dan Simulasi Spasial untuk Prediksi Perkembangan Wilayah dan Perubahan Lahan Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis dan Cellular Automata, Laboratorium Komputasi dan Analisa erencanaan Keruangan, ITS Surabaya
29-03-2019, Pelatihan PRIORITIES (Program for Redesigning and Implementation Ouitcomes-based curriculum, Teaching Learning Assessment and Evaluating Systematically), EduSquad Training Group, Fakultas Teknik Unsyiah Banda Aceh
29-05-2017, Action Planning for Cities Oriented by the SDGs and Supported by CPI, International Urban Training Centre - UN Habitat, Gangwon Province, Republic of Korea
28-04-2015, Pelatihan Asesor Jasa Konstruksi, Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi (LPJK) Aceh, Banda Aceh
12-07-2012, Pelatihan Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Nasional 2012, Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Padang
15-09-2011, Workshop Qualitative Research at Glance, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan
20-07-2010, Bimbingan Teknis Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) Konstruksi, BPKSDM Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, Medan
24-06-2010, Workshop on Writing for Academic Purposes, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh
11-08-2009, Pelatihan Pelatih Asesor Jasa Konstruksi,, BPKSDM, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, Medan
31-07-2008, Pelatihan Asesor Jasa Konstruksi, Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP), Jakarta
29-10-2007, Pelatihan Ahli Hukum Kontrak Konstruksi, BRR NAD-Nias, Banda Aceh
18-04-2006, The Training of Facilitators for Participatory Based Strategic and Annual Planning Preparation, USAID-LGSP, Medan

Penghargaan (Awards)

12-05-2011, Dosen Berprestasi III Fakultas Teknik Universitas Syiah Kuala, Fakultas Teknik Unsyiah, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

23-06-2011, Poster Terbaik Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian Hibah Bersaing Tahun 2011, Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Kemdiknas, Jakarta, Indonesia.