Ns. Asniar, S.Kp., M. Kep.,Sp.Kom., Ph.D
Tentang Saya (About Me)
Asniar has been working as a lecturer in Faculty of Nursing, Syiah Kuala University since 2001. She has degrees as a Bachelor of Nursing Science, a Master in Community Health Nursing, and a Nurse Specialist in Community Health Nursing from Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia. She obtained her doctoral degree in Philosophy of Nursing Science from Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, and received a Thesis Award in Humanities. During her doctoral study, she joined a visiting program in College of Nursing, Seoul National University, South Korea during spring and summer semesters. Her main research interests are in the topics of community participatory research method, qualitative research methods, school health nursing, family caregiving, and health promotion for adolescent.
Publikasi (Publications)
Jurnal (Journals)
Nailul Kharisma, Asniar Asniar, 2018, An Overview of School Health Program Implementation among Elementary Schools in Banda Aceh, Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan, 6 (2), 43-53, 2338 – 6371.
Asniar, A., Hatthakit, U., & Wiroonpanich, W, 2017, Meaning of health and health improvement of Muslim adolescent girls in Muslim schools in Aceh, Indonesia, Songklanagarind Journal of Nursing, 37 (2), 144-153, 01258958.
E.N. Agustini, I. Asniar, H. Matsuo, 2011, The prevalence of long-term post-traumatic stress symptoms among adolescents after the tsunami in Aceh, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 18, 543-549, 1365-2850.
Asniar, Urai Hatthakit, Wantanee Wironpanich, 2011, Photo-voice as a qualitative research method in nursing and health sciences: A literature review, Proceedings of The Annual International Conference Syiah Kuala University, 1 (1), 163-171, 2089-208X.
Asniar, Junaiti Sahar, Wiwin Wiarsih, 2010, STUDI FENOMENOLOGI TENTANG PENGALAMAN KELUARGA MERAWAT ANGGOTA KELUARGA PASKA STROKE DI RUMAH, Jurnal Ners Indonesia, 11(1), 54-61, 2685-3116 .
E.N. Agustini, Asniar, H. Matsuo, 2010, A case study: Time course of long-term PTSD symptoms on youth tsunami survivor, Bulletin of health science, Kobe University, 26, 81-87, .
Prosiding (Proceedings)
Lisa Fitriani, Asniar Asniar, Endang Mutiawati Rahayuningsih, 2018, The Barriers of Self-care among Street Children In Banda Aceh, Bridging The Gaps: Linking Evidence To Practice In Nursing And Health Sciences, the Aceh International Nursing Conference (AINC 2018), Banda Aceh, October 24-26, 2018, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, , 978-989-758-413-8.
Maidaliza Maidaliza; Asniar Asniar; Suryane Sulistiana Susanti, 2018, Social Support Received by Postpartum Mothers in Indonesia: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study, Bridging The Gaps: Linking Evidence To Practice In Nursing And Health Sciences, the Aceh International Nursing Conference (AINC 2018), Banda Aceh, October 24-26, 2018, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, 0, 978-989-758-413-8.