Cut Zakia Rizki, SE., M.Si
Tentang Saya (About Me)
I am a faculty member (lecturer) at Faculty of Economics Unsyiah majoring in Development Economics, especially concerning International Economics. The field was very interesting because the dynamic of the subject matters. I tried to encaurage students to contribute to the class teaching process and sharing more information by give away extra credits. However, my line of research was not limit to the international economics, I am also interested in human development, Islamic economic studies, etc. In dedication to the society, my team and I have assisted the village enterprise developments apart of other activities around the university surroundings. As a remark, I am a very open person to criticism and positive feedback for the progress and develop of my potential.
Publikasi (Publications)
Jurnal (Journals)
Suriani, Diana Sapha, Cut Zakia Rizki, M. Shabri Abd Majid, 2018, Analysis of Food Demand Elasticity of Rice for the Poor in Aceh, Indonesia: An Almost Ideal Demand System Approach, DLSU Business and Economics Review, Volume, 179-189, 0116-7111.
Fraya Nabila, Cut Zakia Rizki, 2018, Analisis kebijakan Inklusi Keuangan di Indonesia, Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa EKonomi Pembangunan Unsyiah, Volume, 193-203, 2549-8355.
Muhammad Irfan, Cut Zakia Rizki, 2018, ANALISIS KELAYAKAN USAHA TERNAK SAPI POTONG DI KECAMATAN MEURAH DUA, KABUPATEN PIDIE JAYA, Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa EKonomi Pembangunan Unsyiah, Volume, 68-79, 2549-8355.
Sri Sukma Wahyuni, Cut Zakia Rizki, 2017, PERBANDINGAN KONTROL ARUS MODAL DENGAN STABILISASI NILAI TUKAR DI INDONESIA, MALAYSIA DAN THAILAND, Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa EKonomi Pembangunan Unsyiah, Volume, 337-346, 2549-8355.
Muhammad Hijrah Saputra dan Cut Zakia Rizki, 2014, Pengaruh Dana Otonomi Khusus Terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Manusia Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Aceh, Quantitative Economics Journal, 03, 246-261, 2089-7847.
Riswandi dan Cut Zakia Rizki, 2012, Tingkat Pendidikan dan Dampaknya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Aceh, Ekonomi Indonesia, 01, 227, 2338-4123.