Dr. Faisal, S.Si, M.Sc

Tentang Saya (About Me)

I joined with the existing staf of Syiah Kuala Universiti since 1998 at Physics Department Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science. My current researchs are focus on applications of remote sensing methods and algorithms. I also interested in  optical instrumentation and characteristic of the spectrums (spectral signature) of vegetables that can be used in remote sensing and direct measurements. Topics of Studies that have been done are to detect and evaluate patterns of sedimentation and river water mixing with seawater in estuaries of tropical areas using satellite images and direct field measurements, develop algorithms for detecting pollution of sea water by using satellite imagery. I also examined how to detect and evaluate changes in freshness of vegetables by using a measurement technique based on characteristic multispektrum spectrum at each wavelength, especially in the range of visible and infrared light spectrum. Current research is being carried out is to detect potential landslides using geophysical and remote sensing techniques.

email faisal@usk.ac.id
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Publikasi (Publications)

Jurnal (Journals)

Muhammad Yanis* , Nasrullah Zaini, Isra Novari, Faisal Abdullah, Bondan Galih Dewanto, Muhammad Isa, Marwan, Muzakir Zainal, Abdurrahman., 2023, Monitoring of Heat Flux Energy in the Northernmost Part of Sumatra Volcano Using Landsat 8 and Meteorological Data, International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, Center of Biomass and Renewable Energy (CBIORE) and School of Postgraduate Studies Diponegoro University , 12(1), 55-65, 2252-4940.

Faisal Abdullah, Muhammad Yanis, Anshar Vahreza, Muhammad Isa, Nasrullah Zaini, 2022, Pemetaan potensi geothermal Seulawah Agam berdasarkan data DEMNAS dan Landsat 8, Indonesian Journal of Applied Physics (IJAP), 12 (2), 151-162, 2089-0133.

Abdurahman Abdurahman, Nazli Ismail, Faisal Abdullah, I Dewa Gede Arya Putra, 2022, EVALUATION OF HOTSPOTS BASED ON CLIMATE DATA IN THE NAGAN RAYA REGENCY, ACEH, Jurnal Geografi, 14(2), 145-156, 2085-8167.

Maulana Gogo*, Faisal Abdullah, Saumi Syahreza, Muhammad Budi, 2022, Analysis of changes in mangrove ecosystems in Banda Aceh city 17 years after the 2004 tsunami, DEPIK, 11(3), 483-490, 2502-6194.

Faisal Abdullah, Muhammad Yanis, Muhammad Haikal Razi, Muzakir Zainal, Nazli Ismail, 2022, SUBSURFACE MAPPING OF FAULT STRUCTURE IN THE WEH ISLAND BY USING A 3D DENSITY OF GLOBAL GRAVITY, International Journal of GEOMATE, 23(96), 121-128, 2186-2990.

Faisal Abdullah, Muhammad Yanis, Muhammad Haikal Razi, Muzakir Zainal, and Nazli Ismail, 2022, Subsurface Mapping of Fault Structure In The Weh Island By Using a 3D Density of Global Gravity, International GEOMATE Journal, 23(96), 121-128, 2186-2990.

Muhammad Yanis, Nazli Ismail, Faisal Abdullah, 2022, Shallow Structure Fault and Fracture Mapping in Jaboi Volcano, Indonesia, Using VLF–EM and Electrical Resistivity Methods, Natural Resources Research, 31 (1), 335-352, 1573-8981.

Nasrullah Zaini, Muhammad Yanis, Faisal Abdullah, Freek Van Der Meer, Muhammad Aufaristama, 2022, Exploring the geothermal potential of Peut Sagoe volcano using Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS images, Geothermics, 105, 102499, 0375-6505.

Yulia Syahputri, Muhammad Rusdi, Sugianto Sugianto, Faisal Faisal, Muhammad Irham, 2021, Kajian Perubahan Geomorfologi Pesisir Kabupaten Aceh Jaya Mengunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis, Rona Teknik Pertanian, 14(2), 105-115, 2085-2614.

Muhammad Yanis, Aprilla Hasibuan Anggini, Faisal Abdullah, Muzakir Zainal, Marwan Abubakar, 2021, APPLICATION OF UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE AS A BASE MAP LAYER IN NEAR-SURFACE GEOPHYSICS, Jurnal Geografi, 13 (1), 26-36, 2549-7054.

Muhammad Yanis, Faisal Abdullah, Nasrullah Zaini, Nazli Ismail, 2021, The northernmost part of the Great Sumatran Fault map and images derived from gravity anomaly, Acta Geophysica, 69 (3), 795-807, 1895-6572.

Muhammad Nanda, Syamsul Rizal, Faisal Abdullah,Rinaldi Idroes, Nazli Ismail, 2021, Near surface electrical resistivity structures around an active fault trace in Weh Island, Indonesia, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST), 43 (4), 1152-1159, 2408-1779.

Asmaul Husna, Faisal Abdullah, Abrar Muslim, Suhendrayatna Suhendrayatna, Hesti Meilina, 2021, BIOSORBENT PREPARED FROM CALOTROPIS GIGANTEAN STEMS FOR ADSORPTION OF CU(II) IONS FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION, Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan, 16 (1), 1-10, 2356-1661.

Muhammad Yanis, Faisal Abdullah, Yenny Assyifa, Muzakir Zainal, Marwan Abubakar, Nazli Ismail, 2020, CONTINUITY OF GREAT SUMATRAN FAULT IN THE MARINE AREA REVEALED BY 3D INVERSION OF GRAVITY DATA, Jurnal Teknologi, 83 (1), 145-155, 2180-3722.

Muhammad Nanda, Syamsul Rizal, Faisal Abdullah, Rinaldi Idroes, Nazli Ismail, 2020, MAPPING FAULTS DISTRIBUTION BASED ON DEM DATA FOR REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN ASSESSMENT OF SABANG MUNICIPALITY, INDONESIA, International Journal of GEOMATE, 19 (76, 197-204, 2186-2990.

Nazli Ismail, Bakhtiar, Muhammad Yanis, Dian Darisma, Faisal Abdullah, 2020, Mitigasi dan Adaptasi Struktural Bahaya Banjir Berdasarkan Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Aceh Singkil Provinsi Aceh, Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya, 22 (2), 276-285, 2355-5963.

Thaharah Ramadhani, Faisal Abdullah, Indra Indra, Abrar Muslim, Suhendrayatna Suhendrayatna, Hesti Meilina, Saiful Saiful, 2020, Adsorption Of Cd(II) Ions From Aqueous Solution By A Low-Cost Biosorbent Prepared From Ipomea Pes-Caprae Stem, Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (3), 197-206, 2503-2348.

NOVIA PURNAMA SARI, TOMI AFRIZAL, FAISAL ABDULLAH, NAZLI ISMAIL, 2020, Application of gravity method in cultural harritage Cot Sidi Abdullah Site, Samudera Pasai, North Aceh, Jurnal Natural, 20 (3), 80-84, 2541-4062.

Agus Hari Pramana, Faisal Abdullah, Tomi Afrizal, Nazli Ismail, 2020, PEMETAAN STRUKTUR SITUS COT SIDI ABDULLAH PENINGGALAN KERAJAAN SAMUDERA PASAI BERDASARKAN SEBARAN MODEL RESISTIVITAS, Jurnal Geografi, 12 (2), 115, 2549-7054.

Nazli Ismail, Nela Wirja, Deviyani R. Putri, Muhammad Nanda, Faisal, 2020, Pemetaan Endapan Mineral Teralterasi Hidrotermal Menggunakan Analisis Citra Landsat 8 di Sekitar Gunung Api Bur Ni Geureudong, Kabupaten Bener Meriah, Aceh, Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika, 16 (2), 127-134, 1412-4785.

Muhammad Yanis, Nazli Ismail, Laura Vadzla Hermansyah, Muhammad Nanda, Faisal Abdullah, 2019, Fault Mapping in Weh Island based on Fault Fracture Density Method (FFD), Journal of Aceh Physics Society, 8 (1), 6-10, 2355-8229.

Husna Maulida, Faisal Abdullah, Teuku Alvisyahrin, 2019, Location Mapping And Tsunami Disaster Evacuation Pathway Using Dijkstra Algorithm In Kota Sigli District, Pidie District, International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 6 (2), 748-759, 2364-5369.

A Asyqari, D Sugiyanto, M Yanis, F Abdullah, N Ismail*, 2019, Mapping of archaeological structure along east-coast of Aceh Besar District, Indonesia based on total magnetic field anomalies, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Publishing, 348, 012041, 1755-1315.

Hindar Hindar, Zainal A. Muchlisin, Faisal Abdullah, 2018, Characteristics of nesting habitat of sea turtle Lepidochelys olivacea in Lhoknga Beach, Aceh Besar District, Indonesia, Aceh Journal of Animal Science, 3 (1), 25-32, 2502-9568.

Insyafrijal Insyafrijal, Muhammad Nasir, Faisal Abdullah, 2018, Dampak keberadaan Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Idi Aceh Timur terhadap sosial ekonomi masyarakat nelayan, DEPIK, 7 (2), 100-10, 2502-6194.

Ratna Anita, Faisal Abdullah, Hesti Meilina, 2018, The Quality and Distribution of Water at Krueng Geukueh Waters in North Aceh Regency - Indonesia, International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography, 5 (1), 83-99, 2313-769X.

Ismail, N., Yanis, M., Abdullah, F., Irfansyam, A., Atmojo, B.S.W., 2018, Mapping buried ancient structure using gravity method: A case study from Cot Sidi Abdullah, North Aceh, Journal of Physics, 1120, 1 - 5, 1742-6596, 1742-6588.

Harits Gunawan, Indra, Faisal Abdullah, 2018, Analisis Kebutuhan Es dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kualitas Ikan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Lampulo Banda Aceh, Jurnal Biotik, 6(2), 117-124, 2337-9812.

Nazli Ismail,Muhammad Yanis, Syafrizal Idris, Faisal Abdullah, Bukhari Hanafiah, 2017, Near-Surface Fault Structures of the Seulimuem Segment Based on Electrical Resistivity Model, Journal of Physics (IOP), 846, 012016, 1742-6596-846-1-012016.

Sjafrizal, Faisal Abdullah, Nazli Ismail, Laura Vadzla Hermansyah, 2017, Analisis Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) Kota Sabang Berdasarkan Peta Jalur Patahan Aktif di Kota Sabang, Jurnal Ilmu Kebencanaan (JIKA), PPs-Unsyiah, 4(1), 24-29, 2355-3324.

Lukmanul Hakim, Nazli Ismail, Faisal Abdullah, 2017, Kajian Awal Penentuan Daerah Prospek Panas Bumi di Gunung Bur Ni Telong berdasarkan Analisis Data DEM SRTM dan Citra Landsat 8, Rekayasa Elektrika, 13 (3), 125-132, 1412-4785.

Eko Cahyo Pristiwantoro*, Nazli Ismail, Faisal Abdullah, 2016, Pemanfaatan citra satelit Landsat 5 untuk menganalisis kejadian longsor Mei 2008 di Desa Paya Ateuk - Aceh Selatan, Megasains, 7(1), 13-18, 2086-5589.

Nazli Ismail,Muhammad Yanis, Faisal Abdullah, 2015, Application of Analytic Signal in Archeo-Magnetic Prospection for locating Kuta Lubok Fortress, AL HAZEN, 2, 1, 2407-9073.

Yusmardani Arya Putra, Nazli Ismail, Faisal, 2015, Analisis Penentuan Faktor Penyebab Penyebab Gerakan Tanah di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Provinsi Aceh, Jurnal Ilmu Kebencanaan (JIKA), 2 (2), 96-103, 2355-3324.

Faisal Abdullah, 2014, Evaluation of Vegetables Shelf Life Using Multispectral Scattering Method, NATURAL, 14, 1, 1141-8513.

Prosiding (Proceedings)

R Harifia, M Irham, Muhammadar, Faisal, M Rusdi, 2022, Chemical analysis of mangrove land in north Aceh, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering for Food, Water, and Energy Security Through Innovations and Disseminations, The 4th International Conference on Agricultural Technology, Engineering, and Environmental Sciences, Fakultas Pertanian, USK, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 9 - 10 August 2022 , Banda Aceh, IOP publishing Ltd., 012083, 1755-1307, 1755-1316.

Bakhtiar, Faisal Abdullah, Marlina Marzuki, Muhammad Yanis, Nazli Ismail, 2021, Food security strategies toward flood hazards along the Cinendang river, Aceh Province, New Shape of Sustainable Agriculture and Biosystem for Food Security After Global COVID-19 Pandemic, The 2nd International Conference on Agriculture and Bio-industry, Fakultas Pertanian USK, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 27-28 October 2020, Banda Aceh, IOP Publishing, 012040, 61755-1315.

Amir Asyqari, Didik Sugiyanto, Muhammad Yanis, Faisal Abdullah, Nazli Ismail, 2019, Mapping of archaeological structure along east-coast of Aceh Besar District, Indonesia based on total magnetic field anomalies, Advancing marine, fisheries, and environmental research towards improving human and community welfare, ”2nd ICFAES 2019 International Conference on Fisheries, Aquatic and Environmental Sciences 2019 In Conjunctions with The 6th ASI 2019 Annual Conference of The Asian Society of Ichthyologist , Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan USK, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 19-20 June 2019, Banda Aceh, United kingdom IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 012041, 017551315, 17551307.

N Zaini*, I Irwandi, F Abdullah and F van der Meer, 2019, Infrared spectroscopy characteristics of mount Sinabung volcanic materials, North Sumatra, Indonesia, Sustainable Nature and Environment in the industrial revolution 4.0, The 3rd International Conference on Natural and Environmental Sciences 2019, FMIPA USK, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 26–27 July 2019, Banda Aceh, IOP publishing Ltd., 012018, 1755-1315.

R A Surya, F Abdullah, D Darisma, M Yanis, N Ismail*, 2019, Sedimentation process in Kuala Gigieng Coast, Aceh Besar based on magnetic and gravity surveys, , 2nd ICFAES 2019 International Conference on Fisheries, Aquatic and Environmental Sciences 2019 In Conjunctions with The 6th ASI 2019 Annual Conference of The Asian Society of Ichthyologist 2019 , Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan USK, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 19–20 June 2019, Banda Aceh, Aceh Province, Indonesia, IOP publishing Ltd., 012040, 1755-1315, 1755-1307.

A Asyqari, D Sugiyanto, M Yanis, F Abdullah, N Ismail*, 2019, Mapping of archaeological structure along east-coast of Aceh Besar District, Indonesia based on total magnetic field anomalies, Advancing marine, fisheries, and environmental research towards improving human and community welfare, 2nd ICFAES 2019 International Conference on Fisheries, Aquatic and Environmental Sciences 2019 In Conjunctions with The 6th ASI 2019 Annual Conference of The Asian Society of Ichthyologist 2019 19–20 June 2019, Banda Aceh, Aceh Province, Indonesia, Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan USK, Banda Aceh, 19–20 June 2019, Banda Aceh, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 012041, 1755-1315.

Ismail, N., Yanis, M., Abdullah, F., Irfansyam, A., Atmojo, B.S.W., 2018, Mapping buried ancient structure using gravity method: A case study from Cot Sidi Abdullah, North Aceh, Physics and Smart Applications, The 8th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, FMIPA USU dan UNIMED, Medan, Sumatera Utara, 20-21 September 2018, United Kingdom, Journal of Physics: Conference Series0120351742-6588, 012035, 1742-6588.

Rexi Adita Surya, Nazli Ismail, Faisal Abdullah, 2018, Interpretasi Data Gravitasi di Lapangan Panas Bumi Desa Lokop, Aceh Timur, The 8th International Conference On Theoretic And Applied Physics (ICTAP 8), SIMPOSIUM FISIKA NASIONAL 2018, UNIMED Medan, Grand Inna Hotel, Medan., 20-21 September 2018, Medan, UNIMED, 477-486, 978-623-91196-0-7.

Nazli Ismail, Muhammad Yanis, Syafrizal Idris, Faisal Abdullah, Bukhari Hanafiah, 2017, Near-surface fault structures of the Seulimuem segment based on electrical resistivity model, Theoretical and Applied Physics, The 5th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 2015, FMIPA Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari, Indonesia, 23–25 November 2015, United Kingdom, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 012016, 0120161742-6588.

Mira Mauliza Rahmi, Sugianto Sugianto, Faisal , 2017, Analisis Perubahan Lahan Tambak Di Kawasan Pesisir Kota Banda Aceh, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana (SNP) Unsyiah, Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana (SNP), PPs Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, 13 April 2017, Banda Aceh, Universitas Syiah Kuala, A98-A103, -.

Yudi Haditiar, Syamsul Rizal, Faisal Abdullah, 2016, Current simulation in the Malacca Strait and part of South China Sea due to wind, 2016 12th International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, and Their Applications (ICMSA), 12th International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, and Their Applications (ICMSA), FMIPA USK, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 04-06 October 2016, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, IEEE Xplore, 16970443, 16970443.

Faisal Abdullah, Dedy Anshar RG, Marwan, Nazli Ismail, 2014, Inversion of Magnetotellurics Determinant Data to Study the Sumatera Faults System Segment Seulimeum, International Seminar , The 1st Joint Seminar Between Syiah Kuala Univ. and Univ. of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria, Syiah Kuala Univ., Banda Aceh, 18 February 2014, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, , 978-602-1270-12-7.

Faisal Abdullah, M. Z. Mat Jafri, M. S. Jaafar, 2010, Detecting Agricultural Product Freshness Using Absorption Methods, Proceeding International Seminar ?Think Globally Act Locally?, Think Globally Act Locally: Entering Global Market of Livestock Through Utilizing Local Resources Based on Green Vision, Banda Aceh, 4 -5 October 2010, Banda Aceh, Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Syiah Kuala University., 9 - 16, 978-602-8892-17-9,.

Faisal Abdullah, M. Z. Mat Jafri, M. S. Jaafar, 2008, Detecting Vegetables Freshness Using Differences In Images Taken With Portable Digital Microscope, Understanding Natural Phenomenon with Mathematics, The 4th IMT-GT International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Aplications 2008, Banda Aceh, 9 - 11 June 2008, Banda Aceh, Dpartment of Mathematics Unsyiah, 72-77, 978-602-8199-10-0.

Faisal Abdullah, M. Z. Mat Jafri, M. S. Jaafar, C. J. Wong, 2008, Calibration of visible and near infrared spectrums for measuring freshness of vegetables, Proceeding of SPIE, Thermosense XXX, Orlando, California, 18 - 20 March 2008, Orlando, California, SPIE, 69390J-1, 0277-786X/9780819471307.

Faisal Abdullah, Mohd Zubir Mat Jafri, Mohamad Suhaimi Jaafar, 2007, Determination of Significant Wavelengths for Freshness Optical Sensor System of Vegetable, Determination of Significant Wavelengths for Freshness Optical Sensor System of Vegetable, Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2007 (PERFIK 2007), Kuala Terengganu, 26 - 28 Desember 2007, Kuala Terengganu, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, -, -.

Faisal Abdullah, M. Z. Mat Jafri, M. S. Jaafar, S. A. Hashim, 2007, Calibration of Visible and Near Infrared Spectra for Measuring Freshness of Vegetables, Strengthening Regional Cooperation Through The Mathematical Sciences, The 3rd IMT-GT 2007 Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, 5 - 6 December 2007, Penang, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 159-163, 978-983-3986-25-5.

Faisal Abdullah, Mohd Zubir Mat Jafri, Mohamad Suhaimi Jaafar, Nasirun Mohd. Saleh, Syahril Amin Hashim, 2007, Designing An Optical Sensor to Detect the Freshness of Agricultural Products, PROSIDING PERSIDANGAN KEBANGSAAN PEMBANGUNAN PERSEKITARAN DAN MASYARAKAT 2007, PERSIDANGAN KEBANGSAAN PEMBANGUNAN PERSEKITARAN DAN MASYARAKAT 2007, PARADISE SANDY BEACH RESORT, PULAU PINANG, 17 -18 Januari 2007, Universiti Sains Malaysia Pulau Pinang, Pusat Pengajian Pendidikan Jarak Jauh Universiti Sains Malaysia Pulau Pinang, 17, 983- 41834 -4 -5.

Faisal Abdullah, M. Z. Mat Jafri, M. S. Jaafar, 2007, Development of Optical Sensor Algorithms for Vegetables Freshness Measurement, The Important Role of Physics for Future Living, The 2nd Asian Physics Symposium, Bandung, 29 - 30 November 2007, ITB Bandung, Physics Department of ITB, C 30-1, 978-979-17090-1-9.

Faisal Abdullah, Mohd Zubir Mat Jafri, Mohamad Suhaimi Jaafar, 2006, Introduction of A New Noninvasive Optical Biosensor to Increase Student Interest On Learning PHysics, The 2006 ASAIHL Conference On Education for Sustainable Development: Proceeding of Conference, The 2006 ASAIHL Conference On Education for Sustainable Development, Penang, 20 - 22 June 2006, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -, 216-219, -.

Faisal Abdullah, 2003, Algoritma Untuk Mendeteksi Pencemaran Air Laut dengan Menggunakan Data Satelit., Prosiding Seminar Theoritical Computational Physics Group (TCPG-Unsyiah 2003), Seminar Nasional Theoritical and Computational Phyiscs Group (TCPG-Unsyiah 2003), Banda Aceh, 26 April 2003, Banda Aceh, Jurusan Fisika Unsyiah, 95-100, 1693-0959.

Penghargaan (Awards)

00-00-0000, Silver Medal for the Invention/innovation of Multispectral Cell Freshness Detection System, Malaysian Association of Research Scientist (MARS), Malaysia Technology Expo 29-31 March 2007, PWTC, K, Malaysia.