Prof. Dr. Ir. Mahidin, S.T., M.T., IPM.
Tentang Saya (About Me)
Born in T. Gajah Kec. Tnh. Jambo Aye at 3 April 1970, the eldest one out of 6 siblings. Finished the elementary school in SDN Lhokbeuringen T. Gajah at 1982, Junior High School at SMPN 1 and Senior High School at SMAN 1 Panton Labu, Kec. Tnh. Jambo Aye, North Aceh, in 1985 and 1988, respectively. Furthermore, undergraduate degree was earn at August 1994 from Department of Chemical Engineering, Syiah Kuala University. Magister degree was pursued at Department of Chemical Engineering, ITB in October 1999, and received Doctor of Engineering in Resource and Energy Science from Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University in September 2003. He was awarded a professor in chemical engineering in 2018. Fields of research are treatment and utilization of energy resources, especially renewable energy resources and mix of energy (energy diversification).
Publikasi (Publications)
Jurnal (Journals)
Teuku Azuar Rizal, Khairil, Mahidin, Husni Husin, Ahmadi, Fahrizal Nasution and Hamdani Umar, 2022, The Experimental Study of Pangium Edule Biodiesel in a High-Speed Diesel Generator for Biopower Electricity, Energies, 15(15), 1-15, 1996-1073.
Mahidin, Asri Gani, Saiful, Muhammad Irham, Wulan Windari dan Erdiwansyah, 2022, An overview of the potential risks, sources, and analytical methods for microplastics in soil, AIMS Environmental Science, 9(2), 169–200, 2372-0352.
Erdiwansyah, Mahidin, M. S. M. Sani, Rizalman Mamat, Asri Gani, Munawir, Susmanto, 2022, Effect of Vibration and Noise on Spark Ignition Engines of Methanol Fuel Blended with Gasoline, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research , 81, 32-38, 0975-1084.
Husni Husin, Mahidin, Komala Pontas, Ahmadi, Muhammad Ridho, Erdiwansyah, Fahrizal Nasution, Fikri Has?ta, M. Hazwan Hussin, 2021, Microwave-assisted catalysis of water-glycerol solutions for hydrogen production over NiO/zeolite catalyst, Heliyon, 7(7), 1-7, 2405-8440.
Asri Gani, Yuanda Wattimena, Erdiwansyah, Mahidin, Muhibbuddin, Medyan Riza, 2021, Simultaneous sulfur dioxide and mercury removal during low-rank coal combustion by natural zeolite, Heliyon, 7(5), 1-6, 2405-8440.
Erdiwansyah, Mahidin, Husni Husin, Muhammad Faisal, Muhtadin, Asri Gani, R. E. Sardjono, Rizalman Mamat, 2021, The Modification of the Perforated Plate in the Fluidized-Bed Combustor to Analyze Heat Convection Rate and Temperature, Journal of Combustion, 2021, 1-8, 2090-1976.
Erdiwansyah, Mahidin, H. Husin, Nasaruddin, M. Zaki and Muhibbuddin, 2021, A critical review of the integration of renewable energy sources with various technologies, Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, 6, 1-18, -.
Erdiwansyah, Mahidin, Husni Husin, Nasaruddin, Khairil, Muhammad Zaki, Jalaluddin, 2021, Investigation of availability, demand, targets, and development of renewable energy in 2017–2050: a case study in Indonesia, International Journal of Coal Science and Technology, -, -, -.
Erdiwansyah, Mahidin, Ahmad Fitri Yusop, Muhammad Zaki, Rizalman Mamat, Muhibbuddin, Ratna Eko Sardjono, Nor Azwadi Che Sidik, Husni Husin, 2021, Investigation of The Effect Biodiesel-Butanol-Water Fuel Blend Pressure on A Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 79(2), 39-47, 2289-7879.
Muhammad Reza Hani, Mahidin, Erdiwansyah, Husni Husin, Khairil, Hamdani, 2020, An Overview of Polygeneration as a Sustainable Energy Solution in the Future, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 74(2), 85-119, 2289-7879.
Mahidin, Erdiwansyah, H. Husin, Hisbullah, A. P. Hayati, M. Zhafran, M. A. Sidiq, A. Rinaldi, B. Fitria, R. Tarisma, Hamdani, M. R. Hani, M. Mel, Y. Bindar, 2020, Utilization of Oil Palm Biomass as a Renewable and Sustainable Energy Source in Aceh Province, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 67(2), 97-108, 2289-7879.
M. Reza Hani, Mahidin, H. Husin, Khairil, Hamdani, Erdiwansyah, Hisbullah, M. Faisal, Mahyudin, Muhtadin, M. I. Afkar, O. Taka, M. Mel, 2020, Experimental Studies on Combustion Characteristics of Oil-Palm Biomass in Fluidized-Bed: A Heat Energy Alternative, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 68(2), 9-28, 2289-7879.
Dadang Ramadhan, Mahidin, Abrar Muslim, Sri Aprilia, Nasrul Arahman, Saiful, M. Mel, 2020, Preliminary Study of Novel Coal Spills-based Physical Activated Carbon for Copper ions Adsorption in Aqueous Solution: Kinetics and Isotherms, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 71(1), 28-38, 2289-7879.
Mahidin, Saifullah, Erdiwansyah, Hamdani, Hisbullah, A. P. Hayati, M. Zhafran, M. A. Sidiq, A. Rinaldi, B. Fitria, R. Tarisma, Y. Bindar, 2020, Analysis of power from palm oil solid waste for biomass power plants: A case study in Aceh Province, Chemosphere, 253, 1-10, 0045-6535.
Muhtadin, Erdiwansyah, Mahidin, M. Faisal, Mahyudin, Hamdani, Khairil, Maizirwan Mel, 2020, Investigation of Biomass Combustion and Conceptual Design of a Fluidized-Bed, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 74(1), 81-97, 2289-7879.
Erdiwansyah, Muhammad Zaki, Mahidin, Rizalman Mamat, Ahmad Fitri Yusop, Herri Susanto, Asep Kadarohman, Fitri Khoerunnisa, Ratna Eko Sardjono, 2020, The Effects of Using Diesel-Citronella Fuel Blend on The Emission and Fuel Consumption for Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 74(2), 1-15, 2289-7879.
Mahidin, M. Zaki, Asri Gani, Mariana, M. Irham, Zahratul Idami, Erdiwansyah, Ali Afwanudin, Ali Akbar, 2020, Investigation of heavy metals on water quality and sediment: A case study Bireuen, Aceh Utara and Lhokseumawe City, Jurnal Kimia VALENSI, N0. 2,, 177-184, 2548-3013.
Saisa, Kasturi, H. Husin, Mahidin, 2019, Increased Cellulose Levels in Organosolv Pretreatment Process in Bioethanol Production, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1232, 1-5, 17426596.
T. A. Rizal, Hamdani, R. Thaib, K. Khairil, H. Husin, Mahidin, 2019, Thermodynamic performance investigation of a diesel engine running on biodiesel derived from pangium edule and cocos nucifera, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1402, 1-5, 17426596.
Nanda Kemala, Asri Gani, Mahidin, 2019, Evaluasi Pengaruh Kendaraan Bermotor Terhadap Kualitas Udara Ambien Pada Berbagai Tipe Ruas Jalan Kota Banda Aceh, Jurnal Penelitian Transportasi Darat, 21(1), 21-30, 2579-8731.
Yuliana Sy, Nurhazanah, A. Maulana, Mahidin, H. Husin, 2019, Study of pH influences on the performance of Na-loaded NbOPO4 solid acid catalyst for biofuel production, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1402, 1-7, 17426596.
Erdiwansyah, Mahidin, R. Mamat, M.S.M. Sani, F. Khoerunnisa, A. Kadarohman, 2019, Target and demand for renewable energy across 10 ASEAN countries by 2040, The Electricity Journal, 32(10), 1-10, 1040-6190.
F. Aman, M. Mariana, M. Mahidin dan F. Maulana, 2018, Penyerapan limbah cair amonia menggunakan arang aktif ampas kopi, Jurnal Litbang Industri, 8(1), 47-52, p-ISSN: 2252-3367, e-ISSN: 2502-5007.
Yulianis, Mahidin, Syaifullah Muhammad, 2017, ADSORPSI ION LOGAM TEMBAGA MENGGUNAKAN NANO ZEOLIT ALAM YANG DIAKTIVASI, Jurnal Litbang Industri, 7(1), 61-69, 22523367 (P-ISSN), 25025007 (E-ISSN).
Mahidin, Asri Gani, Abrar Muslim, Husni Husin, M. Reza Hani, Muhammad Syukur, Hamdani, Khairil and Samsul Rizal, 2016, Sulfur Removal in Bio-Briquette Combustion Using Seashell Waste Adsorbent at Low Temperature, J. Eng. Technol. Sci., 48, 465-481, 2337-5779.
Mahidin, Asri Gani, M. Reza Hani, Muhammad Syukur, Hamdani, Khairil, Samsul Rizal, Abdul Hadi and T.M.I. Mahlia, 2016, Use of Green Mussel Shell as a Desulfurizer in the Blending of Low Rank Coal-Biomass Briquette Combustion, Makara (Seri Teknologi), 20, 97-102, 2355-2786.
Khairil, Mahidin, Iskandar, 2015, Fundamental Study of the Effect of Iron Reduction on the Binder Type in Iron Ore Briquette, MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology, 1, 159-168, 2454-5880.
Husni Husin, Mahidin, Zuhra, Fikri Hasfita, Yunardi, 2015, Visible light driven photocatalytic hydrogen evolution by lanthanum and carbon-co-doped NaTaO3 photocatalyst, Key Engineering Materials, 659, 231-236, 1662-9795.
Mahidin, Hamdani, Jailani Ibrahim, Teuku Zubir, Agus Nur Yasin, 2015, A STUDY ON THE ESTABLISHMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF CONSERVATION PROGRAM IN ARUN LNG PLANT, Jurnal Teknologi, 77, 61-69, 2180–3722 (E-ISSN).
Alhamidi Yusran, M. Dani Supardan, Mahidin, 2015, Kapasitas Adsorpsi Bentonit terhadap Sulfur dan Merkuri secara Simultan pada Pembakaran Batubara, Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia dan Lingkungan, 10, 171-177, 1412-5064 (P-ISSN) dan 2356-1661 (E-ISSN).
Abdul Hadi, M. Nazri Abu Shah, Noraakinah Hassan, S. Azurah Suliman, S. Hanim Md Nor, Mahidin, Kamariah Noor Ismail, 2014, STUDY ON THE STRUCTURE, TEXTURE AND THERMAL STABILITY OF CeZrYO2 NANOPARTICLES SYNTHESIZED VIA MICROEMULSION METHOD, The Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 18, , 1394-2506.
Husni Husin, Mahidin, Zuhra, Fikri Hafita, 2014, H2 Evolution on Lanthanum and Carbon Co-doped NaTaO3 Photocatalyst, Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 9, 81-86, 1978-2993.
Mahidin, Hamdani, Muhtadin, M. Faisal, Mahyuddin, 2014, Karakteristik Pembakaran Beberapa Jenis Biomassa dalam Fluidized Bed Boiler, Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia dan Lingkungan, 10, 7-14, 1412-5064 (P-ISSN) dan 2356-1661 (E-ISSN).
Mahidin, Yanna Syamsuddin, Samsul Rizal, 2013, Use of Biomass as Co-Fuel in Briquetting of Low-Rank Coal: Strengthen the Energy Supply and Save the Environment, International Journal of Chemical, Nuclear, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 7, 643-648, .
Mahidin, Asri Gani, Khairil, 2012, Modeling and Simulation on NOx and N2O Formation in Co-combustion of Low-rank Coal and Palm Kernel Shell, Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia dan Lingkungan, 9, 88-93, 1412-5064 (P-ISSN) dan 2356-1661 (E-ISSN).
Mahidin, I. Machdar, M. Faisal, Kemalahayati, Hamdani, Khairil, S. Rizal, 2012, Mapping and Analysis of Palm Oil Mill Effluent as an Alternative Energy Source and Opportunity for Green House Gases Reduction, Journal of Energy & Environment, 4, 38-42, 1985-7462.
Mahidin, Izarul Machdar, Muhammad Faisal, Muhammad Nizar, 2012, CDM Potential in Palm Solid Waste Cogeneration as an Alternative Energy in Aceh Province, Makara (Seri Teknologi), 16, 192-200, 1693-6698.
Mahidin, Asri Gani, Khairil, 2011, Efisiensi Heat Recovery pada Pembakaran Batubara Peringkat Rendah, Cangkang Sawit dan Campurannya, Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 11, 22-31, 1411-9471.
Mahidin, Asri Gani, Subhan, 2011, PEMBUATAN BRIKET BIOMASSA DAN MODIFKASI DAPUR PEMBAKARANNYA (Producing of Biomass Briquette and Modification of Their Combustion Stove), Hasil Penelitian Industri, 24(1), 10-19, 0215-4609.
Mahidin, Asri Gani, Khairil, Hamdani, Subhan, 2011, Densification of Palm Oil Kernel Shell and Jatropha Curcas Seeds (Study on Effect of Briquetting Pressure and Modified Stove Model on Stove Efficiency), Industri, 10, 131-136, 1693-0533.
Mahidin, Asri Gani, Subhan, Fithriani Iznita, Ika Agustina, 2011, Briquetting Of Palm Oil Solid Waste As An Alternative Fuel In Small Industries/Haousehold, Industri, 10, 35-41, 1693-0533.
Asri Gani, Mahidin, Khairil, 2010, Studi Pembuatan Bio-briket dan Uji Karakteristik Pembakarannya untuk Penggunaan di Industri Rumah Tangga, Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 10, , 1411-9471.
Mahidin, Khairil, Carmen Martin, Miguel A. Villamanan, Jose J. Segovia, Cesar R. Chamorro, 2010, A Comparison of Energy Profile between Castilla Leon, Spain and Aceh, Indonesia, Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia dan Lingkungan, 7, 184-189, 1412-5064 (P-ISSN) dan 2356-1661 (E-ISSN).
Yunita Megasari, Nuraini, Mahidin, Marwan, 2008, Studi Kinetika Pirolisa Batubara Aceh, Hasil Penelitian Industri, 21(1), 23-30, 0215-4609.
Mahidin, Khairil, Adisalamun dan Asri Gani, 2007, Studi Pembakaran Campuran Batubara Peringkat Rendah-Cangkang Sawit dalam Fluidized Bed Combustor, JURNAL HASIL PENELITIAN INDUSTRI, 20(1), 36, 0215-4609.
Prosiding (Proceedings)
Saisa, H. Husin, Mahidin, 2019, Konversi Oil Palm Frond (OPF) Sebagai Bahan Baku Bioetanol Dengan Proses Pretreatment Organosolv dan Hidrolisa Asam, Peran Riset Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia dalam Pengembangan Industri Kimia Berbasis Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan, Seminar Nasional Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia 2017, Medan, 26 Oktober 2017, Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan, TALENTA Publisher, , p-ISSN : 2654-7074 e-ISSN : 2654-7082.
M. Mariana, M. Mahidin, F. Mulana, T. Agam and F. Hafdiansyah, 2018, Reactivity improvement of Ca(OH)2 sorbent using diatomaceous earth (DE) from Aceh Province, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2nd International Conference on Oleo and Petrochemical Engineering (ICOOPChE 2017), Pekanbaru, Indonesia, 29–30 November 2017, Praha, Republik Ceko, IOP Publishing, 0, Online ISSN: 1757-899X; Print ISSN: 1757.
Y. Yulianis, S. Muhammad, K. Pontas, M. Mariana and M. Mahidin, 2018, Characterization and Activation of Indonesian Natural Zeolite from Southwest Aceh District-Aceh Province, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 3rd International Conference on Global Sustainability and Chemical Engineering (ICGSCE), Putrajaya, Malaysia, 15–16 February 2017, Praha, Republik Ceko, IOP Publishing, 0, Online ISSN: 1757-899X; Print ISSN: 1757.
M Mariana, M Mahidin, F. Mulana and F. Aman, 2018, Utilization of Activated Carbon Prepared from Aceh Coffee Grounds as Bio-sorbent for Treatment of Fertilizer Industrial Waste Water, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 3rd International Conference on Global Sustainability and Chemical Engineering (ICGSCE), Putrajaya, Malaysia, 15–16 February 2017, Praha, Republik Ceko, IOP Publishing, 0, Online ISSN: 1757-899X; Print ISSN: 1757.
P. Dianda, Mahidin, E. Munawar, 2018, Production and characterization refuse derived fuel (RDF) from high organic and moisture contents of municipal solid waste (MSW), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, The 3rd ICChESA 2017, Banda Aceh, 20-21 September 2017, Praha, Republik Ceko, , 0, Online ISSN: 1757-899X; Print ISSN: 1757.
M. R. Hani, M. Mahidin, H. Husin, H. Hamdani, K. Khairil, 2018, Oil palm biomass utilization as an energy source and its possibility use for polygeneration scenarios in Langsa City, Aceh Province, Indonesia, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, The 3rd ICChESA 2017, Banda Aceh, 20-21 September 2017, Praha, Republik Ceko, IOP Publishing, 0, .
F. Azmi, D. Sispriatna, K. Ikhsan, M. Masrura, S. S. Azzahra, Mahidin, M. D. Supardan, 2018, Utilization of aloe vera extract as electrolyte for an accumulator, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, The 3rd ICChESA 2017, Banda Aceh, 20-21 September 2017, Praha, Republik Ceko, IOP Publishing, , Online ISSN: 1757-899X; Print ISSN: 1757.
Mahidin, T N Sulaiman, A Muslim and A Gani, 2017, Removal of Mn(II) from the acid mine wastewaters using coal fired bottom ash, Materials Science and Engineering, 29th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE) 2016, Curtin University, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia, 1 s/d 3 December 2016, Praha, Republik Ceko, IOP Publishing, 0, Online ISSN: 1757-899X; Print ISSN: 1757.
Mariana, Mahidin, Farid Mulana, 2016, The adsorption process of nitrite and nitrate content from fertilizer plant liquid waste of PT. PIM by using activated carbon from coffee waste , Building Aceh Through Science, Dignity & Prosperity, The 6th Annual International Conference (AIC) of Syiah Kuala Universitas, University Syiah Kuala, 4 s/d 6 Oktober 2016, Darussalam, Percetakan Unsyiah, 0, 233-6606.
Mariana, Mahidin, Farid Mulana, 2015, Adsorption of Heavy Metal Cr (VI) Using Bio-Sorbent of Tea Dregs: Experimental and Modelling, , The 5th Annual International Conference Syiah Kuala University (AIC Unsyiah) 2015 in Conjunction with The 8th International Conference of Chemical Engineering on Science and Applications (ChESA) 2015, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, 9-11 September, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, , 2338-6606.
Alhamidi Yusran, M. Dani Supardan, Mahidin, 2015, Development of Pre-treatment Process for Aceh Low-rank Coal by Simultaneously Capture of Sulfur and Trace Element, , The 1st International Joint Conference Indonesia-Malaysia-Bangladesh-Ireland 2015, Banda Aceh, 27-28 April, Banda Aceh, Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia, , 2442 – 4676.
Mahidin, Hamdani, Irwansyah, Jailani Ibrahim, T. Zakaria Intan, Agus Ares, Yusriadi, Suratno, Hidayatullah, 2015, Reducing the Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emission by Flare and Vented Gas Recovery: an Experience in Arun LNG Plant, Green and Smart Technology for Sustainable Future, the 14th International Conference on QIR (Quality in Research), Lombok, 10-13 Agustus, Jakarta, Universitas Indonesia, , 1411-1284.
Mahidin, Hamdani, Razali Thaib, 2014, Potensi Tenaga Air dan Angin untuk Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik sebagai Sumber Pendapatan Asli Daerah Aceh Selatan, Implementasi Teknologi Rekayasa dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Masyarakat dan Lingkungan, Seminar Nasional Teknologi Rekayasa I (SNTR) POLTAS, Politeknik Aceh Selatan, 23 Desember, Tapaktuan, Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Politeknik Aceh Selatan, , 2407 - 8735.
T. Azuar Rizal, Razali Thaib, Mahidin, 2014, Analisis Tekno-Ekonomi Pembangkit Listrik Bahan Bakar Biogas dari Limbah Cair Pabrik Sawit, Implementasi Teknologi Rekayasa dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Masyarakat dan Lingkungan, Seminar Nasional Teknologi Rekayasa I (SNTR) POLTAS, Politeknik Aceh Selatan, 23 Desember, Tapaktuan, Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Politeknik Aceh Selatan, , 2407 - 8735.
Khairil, Mahidin, Iskandar, Ibrahim, 2014, Kaji Eksperimental Effek Prilaku Briket Kokas dengan Menggunakan Material Perekat Berbasis Dapat Diperbaharui, Kontribusi untuk Masyarakat, Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin-XIII (SNTTM-XIII), Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 15-16 Oktober, Depok, Departemen Teknik Mesin FT Universitas Indonesia, , 978 - 602 - 98412 - 3 - 7.
N. Idris, M. Ramli, Mahidin, R. Hedwig, Z. S. Lie, K. H. Kurniawan, 2014, Examination of the capability of the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technique as the emerging laser-based analytical tool for analyzing trace elements in coal, , 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013 (ICTAP 2013), Malang, 10-11 Oktober 2013, Melville, New York, AIP Publishing, 0, 0094-243X.
Husni Husin, Mahidin, Fikri Hasfita, Doni Andrian, Syeh Syairazi, 2013, Fotokatalitik Evolusi Hidrogen dari Air pada Fotokatalis Pt/La-C-NaTO3 Menggunakan Irradiasi Cahaya Tampak, , SNTK Teknologi Oleo dan Petrokimia Indonesia 2013, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, 27 November, Pekanbaru, Jurusan Teknik Kimia FT Universitas Riau, , 1907 - 0500.
Nasrullah Idris, Muliadi Ramli, Mahidin, 2013, Pengaruh Perlakuan Mekanik pada Emisi Analit dari Batubara Menggunakan Teknik Laser-Induced Plasma Spectroscopy, , Seminar dan Rapat Tahunan Bidang Ilmu MIPA 2013, Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung, 10-12 Mei, Bandar Lampung, FMIPA Universitas Lampung, , 978 - 602 - 985599 - 2 - 0.
Khairil, Mahidin, Asri Gani, Ibrahim, 2013, Fundamental Study on Desulfurization Characteristics of Bio-briquette at Low Temperature Using Calcium Based Adsorbent, , The 7th International Conference of Chemical Engineering on Science and Application, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, 18-19 September, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, , 2338-6606.
Mahidin, Asri Gani, Ibrahim, Khairil, 2011, Ash Deposit Behavior on the Tubes Surface in Fluidized Bed Boiler Using Co-Fuel of Low-Rank Coal and Palm Kernel Shell, Towards Green Technology for Better Future, USU International Science and Technology Exhibition & Seminar (USU-ISTExS 2011), Medan, Juli, Medan, USU Press, , 979-458-570-X.
Hamdani, Mahidin, 2009, Studi Potensi Pembangkit Tenaga Mikrohidro sebagai Upaya Penyediaan Listrik Desa Terpencil di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Meningkatkan kontribusi Jurusan Teknik Mesin bagi perkembangan industri di tanah air, Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin-VIII (SNTTM-VIII), Semarang, 11-14 Agustus, Semarang, Jurusan Teknik Mesin FT Undip, 0, 978 - 979 - 704 - 772 - 6.
Mahidin, 2009, Biomass Utilisation in Selected Asian Countries: Policy, R&D and Status, Biomass Utilization for Alternative Energy and Chemicals, Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia 2009, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung, 23-24 April, Bandung, Jurusan Teknik Kimia FTI Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, , 978 - 979 - 98465 - 5 - 6.
Mahidin, Ibnu Rusdi, Diandoro Arifian, 2008, Studi Rekonfigurasi Stabilizer pada Kilang Minyak Bumi, , Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian Antar Universitas “Sains dan Teknologi” , Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, 10-12 Maret, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, , 978 - 979 - 8278 - 27 - 3.
Mahidin, Khairil, Adisalamun, 2006, Co-combustion of Low-rank Coal and Palm Shell in Fluidized Bed Boiler (Study on Generated Steam Characteristics), , The International Conference on Fluid and Thermal Energy Conversion 2006, Jakarta, 10-14 Desember, Bandung, Division of Energy Conversion, FTI ITB dan Thermodynamics Research Laboratory, Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. Illinois at Chicago, , 0854 - 9346.
M. Mahidin, M. Mustafa, N. Auda, A. Adisalamun and H. Susanto, 2005, Utilization of Forestry and Agricultural Biomass as a Raw Material of Pulp and Paper Industry, , Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2005, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 30 – December 2, Hanoi, , , .