Ir.. Maya Fitria, S.Kom., M.Sc., IPM

Tentang Saya (About Me)

Maya Fitria begins her career as a lecturer and a member of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Universitas Syiah Kuala since 2017 until now. She earned her Bachelor Degree in Computer Science at Universitas Indonesia (UI), in 2012. In 2013 she continued her study in Computer Engineering Department of University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, with expertise in the field of Interactive System and Visualization. During the study, she got a support from DAAD-LPSDM Aceh Scholarship. She completed her master study in 2016 earning the degree of Master of Science in Computer Engineering. Her research interests are Human Computer Interaction, IoT, and Software Engineering.


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Publikasi (Publications)

Jurnal (Journals)

Rizki Novita, Rizkika Putri, Maya Fitria, Maulisa Oktiana, Yasmina Elma, Handika Rahayu, Subhan Janura, Hafidh Habibie, 2024, Performance Analysis of DMF Teeth Detection Using Deep Learning: A Comparative Study with Clinical Examination as Quasi Experimental Study, Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry, 36, 7-24, 2549-6212.

Maya Fitria, Yasmina Elma,Maulisa Oktiana, Khairun Saddami, Rizki Novita, Rizkika Putri, Handika Rahayu, Hafidh Habibie, Subhan Janura, 2024, The Deep Learning Model for Decayed-Missing-Filled Teeth Detection - A Comparison Between YOLOv5 and YOLOv8, Jordanian Journal of Computers & Information Technology, 10, 335-349, 2415-1076.

Zulfahmi Helmi, Ramzi Adriman, Teuku Yuliar Arif, Hubbul Walidainy, Maya Fitria, 2022, Sybil Attack Prediction on Vehicle Network Using Deep Learning, Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi), Vol. 6, 499 - 504, 2580-0760.

Kahlil Muchtar, Al Bahri, Maya Fitria, Tjeng Wawan Cenggoro, Bens Pardamean, Adhiguna Mahendra, Muhammad Rizky Munggaran, Chihyang Lin, 2022, Moving Pedestrian Localization and Detection with Guided Filtering, IEEE Access, , , 2169-3536.

Dalila Husna Yunardi, Maya Fitria, Rahmad Dawood, Teuku M. Syahril Nur Alamsyah, 2022, A Usability Analysis of QODE: Qurbani Web Application System, Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika, Vol. 1, 193-198, 2252-620X.

Maya Fitria, Ramzi Adriman, Irham Muhammaddin Batubara, Akhyar Bintang, 2022, Heart Attack Notification and Monitoring System Using Internet of Things, Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi), Vol. 6, 993 - 997, 2580-0760.

Maya Fitria, Cosmin Adrian Morariu, Josef Pauli, Ramzi Adriman, 2021, Implementing A Non-Local Means Method to CTA Data of Aortic Dissection, Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer, Vol. 9, 174-179, 2338-0403.

Riki Andrian, Ardiansyah, Maya Fitria, 2020, Rancangan Prototipe Aplikasi Informasi Penyewa Gedung Pernikahan di Banda Aceh, Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Teknik Elektro (Kitektro), Vol. 5, 19-27, 2252-7036.

Fahrizal, Ardiansyah, Maya Fitria, 2019, Sistem Pemandu Pencarian Tambal Ban Terdekat Menggunakan Location-Based Service Pada Platform Android, Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Teknik Elektro (Kitektro), Vol. 4, 52-59, 2252-7036.

Prosiding (Proceedings)

Ramzi Adriman, Maya Fitria, Afdhal Afdhal, Alfy Yusyfa Fernanda, 2023, An IoT-Based System for Water Quality Monitoring and Notification System of Aquaculture Prawn Pond, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT), 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT), Solo, Semarang, 03-05 November 2022, , IEEE, 356 - 360, 978-1-6654-6030-9.

M. Vickya Ramadhan, Kahlil Muchtar, Yudha Nurdin, Maulisa Oktiana, Maya Fitria, Novi Maulina, Gregorius Natanael Elwirehardja, Bens Pardamean, 2023, Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Models for Detecting Face Mask, Development of Artificial Intelligent and Computer Science Research as Breakthrough for Industry and Society, 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2022, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 17-18 November 2022, , Procedia Computer Science, 48-56, 1877-0509.

Maya Fitria, Yudi Candra, Muhammad Hafez Al-Assad, Silvia Roza, Rahmad Dawood, 2023, A Deep Learning-Based Model for Classifying Sweetness Level of Sky Rocket Melon: A Preliminary Result, Sustainable Development for Smart Innovation System, The 2nd 2023 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering (COSITE), Banda Aceh, Indonesia, August 02-03, 2023, , IEEE Xplore, 204-209, 979-8-3503-4306-9.

Maya Fitria, Maulisa Oktiana, Handika Rahayu, Khairun Saddami, Hafidh Habibie, Yasmina Elma, Subhan Janura, Rizki Novita, Rizkika Putri, Maulidia Indah Sari, 2023, Development of Intraoral Clinical Image Dataset for Deep Learning Caries Detection, Sustainable Development for Smart Innovation System, The 2nd 2023 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering (COSITE), Banda Aceh, Indonesia, August 02-03, 2023, , IEEE Xplore, 194-198, 978-1-6654-6030-9.

Nadhila Nurdin, Krzysztof Kluza, Maya Fitria, Khairun Saddami, Rika Sri Utami, 2023, Analysis of Social Media Data Using Deep Learning and NLP Method for potential use as Natural Disaster Management in Indonesia, Sustainable Development for Smart Innovation System, The 2nd 2023 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering (COSITE), Banda Aceh, Indonesia, August 02-03, 2023, , IEEE Xplore, 144-148, 978-1-6654-6030-9.

Muhajir Muhajir, Maulisa Oktiana, Kahlil Muchtar, Maya Fitria, Akhyar Akhyar, Muhammad Dandy Pratama, Chih-Yang Lin, 2023, USK-FEMO: A Face Emotion Dataset using Deep Learning for Effective Learning, Sustainable Development for Smart Innovation System, The 2nd 2023 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering (COSITE), Banda Aceh, Indonesia, August 02-03, 2023, , IEEE Xplore, 199-203, 978-1-6654-6030-9.

Sayed Muchallil, Silvia Roza, Muhammad Hafez Al-Assad, Yudi Candra, Maya Fitria, Rahmad Dawood, 2023, Deep Learning Implementation for Pineapple Sweetness Classification, The 1st International Conference on Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, The 1st International Conference on Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, Bangkok, Thailand, 27-29 November 2023, Singapore, Springer, 185-197, 978-981-99-7969-1.

Maya Fitria, Muhammad Hafez Al-Assad, Yudi Candra, Silvia Roza, Rahmad Dawood, 2023, Preliminary Results of a Deep Learning Model for Classifying Watermelon Sweetness Through Field-Spot Detection, Industrial Revolution 4.0: Challenges for a Sustainable Future, 1st International Conference on Business and Technological Advancement in Industrial Revolution 4.0, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 3-4 Oktober 2023, , Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Sarawak, 43-57, 978-629-98951-1-4.

Dalila Husna Yunardi, Rahmad Dawood, Maya Fitria, Rini Deviani, 2022, Design and Testing Booking Application for Private Doctors’ Practices to Support Disaster Management, Post-the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Challenges: Strengthening Community Resilience from Compound Disasters in Pandemic Situations, The 13th of Aceh International Workshop and Expo on Sustainable Tsunami Disaster Recovery (The 13th AIWEST-DR 2021), Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 26-27th October, 2021, , E3S Web of Conferences, 2-8, 2267-1242.

Kahlil Muchtar, Chairuman, Maya Fitria, Muhammad Yusuf Kardawi, Alifya Febriana, Nona Zarima, Chih-Yang Lin, 2021, Embedded-based Tomato Septoria Leaf Detection with Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick, 2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), 2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), Kyoto, Japan, 12-15 October 2021, , IEEE, , 2378-8143.

Maya Fitria, Ramzi Adriman, Muhammad Kurnia Fandi, 2021, An IoT-Based System for Real-Time Monitoring of Power Consumption on Sales Booth, Advancing Human-Centric Technology for Smart Future, International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering (COSITE) 2021, Banda Aceh, 20-21 Oktober 2021, , IEEE, 186-191, 978-1-6654-2510-0.

Maya Fitria, Cosmin Adrian Morariu, Josef Pauli, Ramzi Adriman, 2019, Comparison of Denoising Methods Applied to CTA Images of 3D Segmentation of Aortic Dissection, Towards a Smart and Human-centered Cyber World, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence (IEEE CyberneticsCom), Banda Aceh, 22-24 Agustus 2019, , IEEE Xplore, , 978-1-7281-0867-4.

Training/Diklat (Workshops)

27-10-2022, Pelatihan Asesor Kompetensi, Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh
16-03-2022, Editorial Handling - Open Journal System - Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Syiah Kuala \"Penguatan Peran Editor Menuju Jurnal Bereputasi Global\", Pusat Pengembangan Jurnal Ilmiah LPPM USK, Banda Aceh
14-10-2019, Pelatihan Sertifikasi ISO 21001:2018, Badan Standarisasi Nasional, Aula Laboratorium Terpadu Universitas Syiah Kuala
25-03-2019, PRIORITIES (Program for Redesigning and Implementing Outcome-based Curriculum, Teaching-Learning Assessment and Evaluating Systematically, EduSquad Training Group, Gedung AAC Dayan Dawood, Banda Aceh
14-10-2017, Tata Kelola E-Journal dan Publikasi Ilmiah, ICAIOS, Ruang Seminar Anthony Reid, ICAIOS, Banda Aceh
11-07-2017, Knowledge Sharing for Sustainable Development in Indonesia, GIZ GmbH, The Pade Hotel, Aceh Besar

Penghargaan (Awards)

01-10-2013, Awardee of DAAD - Aceh Scholarships of Excellent Program, DAAD and Government of Aceh Province, Germany, Germany.