Ir. Sayed Muchallil, S.T., M. Sc., IPM
Tentang Saya (About Me)
I graduated from Electrical Engineering Department for my Sarjana Teknik Degree (B.Eng) in Diponegoro University, Semarang in 2004, Central Java. I have served as a lecturer in Syiah Kuala University since 2005. in 2009, I was an awardee of Fulbright Scholarship to continue my study. I had my Master of Science in Computer Science degree from Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of University of Texas at Arlington(UTA). After finishing my master degree, in 2011, I was elected as the final project and fieldwork coordinator in the electrical engineering department. in 2012 I was trusted to be the head of the computer section in Electrical Engineering and I have been the head of computer network laboratory since 2014 until now. Research interest: Mobile Technologies, web services, mobile technology, information security and privacy, database, website fingerprinting
Publikasi (Publications)
Jurnal (Journals)
Nazaruddin, Sayed Muchallil, 2017, Comparison Online to Offline Handwritten Jawi Character Recognition Application, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10:12, 1-5, 0974-5645.
Sayed Muchallil, Nazaruddin, 2017, Online Application of Printed Jawi Character Recognition , Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10:12, 1-5, 0974-5645.
Adityo Sumantri, Ernita Dewi Meutia, Sayed Muchallil, 2016, Rancang Bangun Purwarupa Pengidentifikasi Kendaraan Bermotor Pelanggar Lalu Lintas dengan RFID Berbasis Arduino UNO, Karya Ilmiah Teknik Elektro, 1:1, 19-24, 2252-7036.
Sayed Muchallil, Fitri Arnia, Fardian, Khairul Munadi, 2015, Performance Comparison of Denoising Methods for Historical Documents, Jurnal Teknologi, 77:22, 137-143, 2180–3722.
Ahmadiar, Muchallil, S., 2015, A case study of the weakness of freshmen chosen password for academic information system, Jurnal Teknologi, 77:22, 145-150, 2180–3722.
Fardian, Fitri Arnia, Sayed Muchallil, Khairul Munadi, 2015, Identification Of Most Suitable Binarisation Methods For Acehnese Ancient Manuscripts Restoration Software User Guide, Jurnal Teknologi, 77:22, 95-102, 2180-3722.
Rahmad Dawood, Said Fairuz Qiana, Sayed Muchallil, 2014, Kelayakan Raspberry Pi sebagai Web Server: Perbandingan Kinerja Nginx, Apache, dan Lighttpd pada Platform Raspberry Pi, Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika, 11:1, 25-29, 2252-620X.
Prosiding (Proceedings)
Mugi Asrianto, Sayed Muchallil, dan Rahmad Dawood, 2015, Aplikasi Resource Scheduling Berbasis Awan; Studi Kasus Laboratorium Penelitian Terpadu Universitas Syiah Kuala, Penguatan Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Elektro Untuk Kemandirian Riset dan Teknologi Nasional, Seminar Nasional dan Expo Teknik Elektro (SNETE) 2015, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 23-24 November 2015, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, 0, 2088-9984.
Nasaruddin, Sayed Muchallil, Maulisa Oktiana, 2015, Energy efficiency of mobile peer-to-peer network based on channel condition and bandwidth, , International Electronic Symposium (IES), Surabaya, Indonesia, 29-30 September 2015, Surabaya, IEEE, 0, 978-1-4673-9345-4.
Fitri Arnia, Sayed Muchallil, Khairul Munadi, Fardian, 2015, Noise characterization in ancient document images based on DCT coefficient distribution, , International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), Nancy, France, 23-26 Agustus 2015, Nancy, France, IEEE, , 978-1-4799-1805-8.
Afdhal, Elizar, Sayed Muchallil, 2015, The Development of Fastest Path Simulation for Emergency Vehicles Using VANET Technology , NA, International Joint Conference Indonesia-Malaysia-Bangladesh-Ire/and, Banda Aceh, 27-28 April 2015, Banda aceh, UUI, 0, 2442-4676.
Fitri Arnia, Sayed Muchallil, Khairul Munadi, Fardian, 2014, Improvement of binarization performance by applying DCT as pre-processing procedure, , IEEE International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Proccessing (ISCCP), Athens, Greece, 21-23 Mei 2014, Athens, Greece, IEEE, 0, 978-1-4799-2890-3.
Sayed Muchallil, Nazaruddin, 2013, Analisis Waktu Eksekusi Restful Web Service untuk Verifikasi Data Wisudawan, Seminar Nasional , Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer 2013, Samarinda, 1 November 2013, Samarinda, Mulawarman University Press, 0, 978-602-18615-7-8.
Sayed Muchallil, Rizal Munadi, Mujir Syah Dani, Ardiansyah, 2013, Analisis Unjuk Kinerja Jaringan WLAN IEEE 802.11g Dengan Metode ISATAP, Sinergi Perkembangan Penelitian di Bidang Teknik Elektro dan Peningkatan Produktivitas Industri dalam Mengisi Pembangunan Nasional, Seminar Nasional dan Expo Teknik Elektro (SNETE) 2015, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 26 Agustus 2013, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, 0, 2088-9984.
Sayed Muchallil, Rizal Munadi, Khaled Hafis, 2013, Uji Statistik Kualitas Layanan Video Streaming Pada Tunnelling ISATAP dan 6to4, Putting Ubiquitous Learning Into the Center of Quality Education, Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer Samarinda (SeNAIK) 2013, Samarinda, 1 November 2013, Samarinda, Mulawarman University Press, 0, 978-602-18615-7-8.
Rahmad Dawood, Sayed Muchallil, Khairul Munadi, 2013, Meuruno: An SMS-based learning system that nudge students to review previously taught materials, , IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Bali, Indonesia, 26-29 Agustus 2013, Bali, Indonesia, IEEE, 0, 978-1-4673-6355.
Sayed Muchallil, Yudha Nurdin, Ahmadiar, Melinda, 2013, RESTful web service usage for online exit-survey at syiah kuala university as data verification method, Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter, The Proceeding of 3nd Annual International Conference Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 2-4 October 2013, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Universitas Syiah Kuala, 0, 2089-208X.
Khairul Munadi, Yudha Nurdin, . Nasaruddin, M. Dirhamsyah, Sayed Muchalil, 2012, Multiagent Based Tsunami Evacuation Simulation: A Conceptual Model, Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter, The Proceeding of 2nd Annual International Conference Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 22-24 November 2012, Banda Aceh, Universitas Syiah Kuala, 0, 2089-208X.