Prof. Dr. Ir. Munirwansyah, M.Sc
Tentang Saya (About Me)
Professor in Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering of Civil Engineering, Syiah Kuala University – Banda Aceh Indonesia with rank of the Principal Leader (Pembina Utama, Gol. IV / E). He was graduate his Bachelor Degree from Civil Engineering Syiah Kuala University in 1983. Furthermore, he finished his postgraduate studies for Master Degree and Doctoral Degree in Bandung Institute of Technology in 1989 and 2002 respectively. In 1996 he studied for Predoctoral about Earthquake Geotechnic Disaster Prevention (Boosai Ken) in Kyoto University, Japan. He was Head of Civil Engineering Department in 2004 and Head of Geotechnical Engineering until 2011. Moreover, He was also appointed as Head of Aceh Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) in 2012. From 2013 to present he appointed as Head of Soil Mechanics Laboratory of Syiah Kuala University. He is also currently a member of Syiah Kuala University senate. His expertises are geotechnic disaster prevention, sub-structure earthquake design, shallow and deep foundation design, Landslide and Story Index.
Publikasi (Publications)
Jurnal (Journals)
Munirwasyah Munirwansyah, Mohamad Ali Fulazzaky, Halida Yunita, Reza Pahlevi Munirwan, Jonbi Jonbi, Kasni Semeru, 2020, A new empirical equation of shear wave velocity to predict the different peak surface accelerations for Jakarta city, Geodesy and Geodynamics, 5, 1-13, 1674-9847.
M Munirwansyah, R P Munirwan, V Listia, H Munirwan, Z Melinda, 2020, Void ratio effect on dynamic shear modulus and shear wave velocity for soil stiffness in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1572, -, 17426596.
M Munirwansyah, H Munirwan, M Irsyam, R P Munirwan, 2020, Escape hill development as a strategy to improve urban safety after earthquake and tsunami Aceh 2004 based on regional planning and geotechnical aspect, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1572, -, 17426596.
Munirwansyah, Reza P Munirwan, Munira Sungkar, Halida Yunita, Hafi Munirwan, Windy Widilestari, 2020, Hard Bearing Layers Identification of Escape Hill Design Facing Tsunami – Earthquake Disaster Deah Baro Rural Area for Natural Disaster Risk Reduction, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 933, -, 17578981.
M. Munirwansyah; R. P. Munirwan; M. Sungkar, and F. Fachrurrazi, 2019, Predicting red clay swelling behaviour of Jangka Buya – Pidie Jaya earthquake zone in Aceh, AIP Publishing, 2059 (, 020029, 2049-3630.
Munirwansyah, Reza Pahlevi Munirwan, Halida Yunita, 2018, Geotechnical Engineering Aspect Related to Pidie Jaya–Aceh Earthquake Disaster and Mitigation, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Volume, 870-875, 2088-5334.
Munirwansyah, Masyhur Irsyam, Reza Pahlevi Munirwan, Halida Yunita, M. Zulfan Usrina, 2018, Geotechnical approach for occupational safety risk analysis of critical slope in open pit mining as implication for earthquake hazard, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume, -, 1575-899X.
Munirwansyah, 2017, Field test results of palm oil clinker concrete pile and foamed concrete pile for floating foundation in soft soil, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, First , 1-9, 12267988.
Masyhur Irsyam, M. Asrurifak, Reguel Mikhail, In In Wahdiny, Siska Rustiani, & Munirwansyah, 2017, Development of Nationwide Vs30 Map and Calibrated Conversion Table for Indonesia using Automated Topographical Classification, Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, , , 2338-5502.
Prof.Dr.Ir. Munirwansyah, M.Sc, Devi Sundary, Gartika S Nugraha, 2013, Interpretasi Bearing Layers (Kontur Lapisan Tanah Keras) Di Bawah Pewrmukaan Dengan Program Surfer (Kecamatan: Syiah Kuala--Ulaee Kareng-Kuta Alam)., Jurnal Teknik Sipil, No. 3 , 269-280, 2088-9321.
Prof.Dr.Ir. MUNIRWANSYAH, M.Sc, 2007, Kajian Geoteknik Tentang Hubungan Empiris Fungsi Filler untuk Menentukan Stabilitas Material Pondasi Jalan Raya, Jurnal Teknik Sipil, Volume, 9-16, 1412-548X.
Munirwansyah, Mukhsin, Reza P. Munirwan, Desir Achyandi, 2006, Penelitian Daya Dukung Tarik Screw-pile dengan Metode Uji Pembebanan Kontinyu di Lapangan pada Tanah Berpasir, Jurnal Teknik Sipil, Nomor , 87-92, 1412-548X.
Prosiding (Proceedings)
Widya Soviana, Munirwansyah, Syamsidik, Ashfa Achmad, 2023, Analysis of tsunami disaster mitigation priority on urban area settlement, Building Resilience, World Sustainable Construction Conference Series 2022, Kuala Lumpur, 14 - 15 October 2022, -, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1-15, 1755-1315.
Munirwansyah, Masyhur Irsyam, Reza Pahlevi Munirwan, Halida Yunita, Hafi Munirwan, 2019, Safety factors and stability analysis of high critical embankment for escape hill towards tsunami freeboard and run up level, , AIC Unsyiah 2019, Banda Aceh, 18-19 September 2019, , IOP Publishing, 0, .
Munirwansyah, Halida Yunita, Reza P. Munirwan, Windy Widilestari, 2017, Hubungan Empiris Percepatan Gempa di Permukaan Berdasarkan Magnitude dan Jarak Fokus Pada Lokasi Bangunan Runtuh Gempa Pidie Jaya, Geotechnical Challenge in Responding to Rapid Development of Mega Infrastructures in Indonesia, 21th Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Bidakara Hotel Jakarta, 7-9 November 2017, Jakarta, HATTI, 0, 978-602-17221-5-2.
Munirwansyah, 2016, Lime-Clay Stabilization to Modified the Characteristic of Menchanical Properties and Reduce the Swelling Subgrade, Enhancing the quality of science and engineering through sustainable research and development to face ASEAN Economic community challenge, International Conference on Engineering and Science for Research and Development (ICESReD), Banda Aceh - Indonesia, 25-26 Oktober 2016, Banda Aceh, Faculty of Engineering Syiah Kuala University, , 2541-4151.
Munirwansyah, 2016, Modulus Resilient Analysis of Flexible Pavement AC-WC and AC-BC using Asphalt Penetration 60/70 from Marshall Testing Results, Enhancing the quality of science and engineering through sustainable research and development to face ASEAN Economic community challenge, International Conference on Engineering and Science for Research and Development (ICESReD), Banda Aceh - Indonesia, 25-26 Oktober 2016, Banda Aceh, Faculty of Engineering Syiah Kuala University, 0, 2541-4151.
Munirwansyah, 2016, Riwayat Gempa Aceh dan Analisis Potensi Liquilfaksi pada Lapisan Pasir di Lokasi Pembangunan Pelabuhan Malahayati Banda Aceh, Geotechnical Role to Accelerate Infrastructure Construction in Indonesia, 20th Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Bidakara Hotel Jakarta, 15-16 November 2016, Jakarta, HATTI, 0, 978-602-17221-4-5.
Munirwansyah, Reza P. Munirwan, 2016, Ancaman Rockfall PK-Geurute Terhadap Keselamatan Manusia dan Solusi Perbaikan, Pengembangan Inovasi Keinsinyuran Untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Infrastruktur di Indonesia, Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Inovasi Keinsinyuran Untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Infrastruktur di Indonesia, Balee Keurukon FT. Unsyiah, 15 Desember 2016, Banda Aceh, Faculty of Engineering Syiah Kuala University, , 2086-5244.
Munirwansyah, Marwan, Banta Chairullah, Reza P. Munirwan, Mardiana, 2015, POLA KERUNTUHAN SCREW- PILE DAN ESTIMASI DAYA DUKUNG DENGAN P-? CURVE METODE PEMBEBAN TARIK IN SITU BEBAN KONTINYU PADA TANAH LEMPUNG TROPIS ACEH, -------- Artikel PIT-HATTI 2015, Geotechnical Role in Mega Structure Construction, 10th Indonesian Geotechnical Conference and 19th Annual Scientific Meeting, Bidakara Hotel Jakarta, 24-25 November 2015, Jakarta, HATTI, , 978-602-17221-3-8.
Munirwansyah, Reza P. Munirwan, 2014, Story Index dan Analisis Lanjutan Penyebab Kelongsoran Jalan Nasional pada Lereng Pegunungan Medang Ruas Banda Aceh - Meulaboh Provinsi Aceh, ---------- Artikel PIT-HATTI 2014, Geotechnical Engineering for Future Infrastructure Development in Indonesia, 18th Annual National Conference on Geotechical Engineering, Bidakara Hotel Jakarta, 11-12 November 2014, Jakarta, HATTI, , 987-602-17221-2-1.
Prof.Dr.Ir. Munirwansyah, M.Sc, Marwan, Reza P. Munirwan, Idrus, 2013, Interface Pemicu Timbulmnya Collapse Ditemukan Pada Beberapa Ruas Jalan yang Longsor Dalam Kawasan Hutan Pegunungan Aceh., proceedings 17th Annual Scientific meeting - Geotechnical Solution in Indonesia to Respond the Challenge of Urban, Industry, Infrastructure, and Mining Development, 17th Annual Scientific Meeting Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia, Jakarta, 13-14 Nov 2013, Jakarta, Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia, 253-268, 978-602-17221-1-4.
Munirwansyah, Reza P. Munirwan, 2012, Pengembangan Metode Interpretasi Bearing Layers Pada Kawasan Pelayanan Publik Kota Sigli-Aceh Dengan Menggunakan Program Surfer., 16th Annual Scientifict Meeting - Geotechnical Challanges in Present and Coming Nationwide Construction Activities, 16th Annual Scientifict Meeting, Jakarta, 4 Desember 2012, Jakarta, Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia, 315-320, 978-602-17221-0-7.
Munirwansyah, 2010, Peran Serta Alumni Teknik Sipil Dalam Pembangunan Aceh., Proceeding Seminar Sehari Ilmiah Teknik Sipil Ke-1 - Peran Serta Teknik Sipil dalam Pembangunan Aceh, Peran Serta Alumni Teknik Sipil Dalam Pembangunan Aceh., Banda Aceh, -, Banda Aceh, Jurusan Teknik Sipil Unsyiah, 6-15, 2086-5244.
Munirwansyah, 2007, Kajian Mikrozonasi Dan Geoteknik Kegempaan Dalam Perencanaan Teknik Sipil, Seminar sehari Teknik Sipil - Aplikasi Teknologi, Bahan, & Konstruksi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil unsyiah, Seminar sehari Teknik Sipil, Banda Aceh, 24 Februari 2007, Banda Aceh, Jurusan Teknik Sipil Unsyiah, 1-29, 979-98659-0-5.