Ners. Noraliyatun Jannah, M.Kep.

Tentang Saya (About Me)

Noraliyatun Jannah obtained her bachelor degree in nursing from Syiah Kuala University in 2005 and received her Master degree in nursing leadership and management from the University of Indonesia in 2011. She has been a lecturer at the Nursing Faculty of Syiah Kuala University since 2006 and actively supervises nursing management practices in Aceh hospitals. Her research interests include leadership, patient safety, health services and nursing management, interprofessional education, interprofessional collaboration, spiritual care, and Islamic nursing practices. As Chief of the Nursing Committee at Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz Syiah Kuala University Hospital Banda Aceh, she is responsible for nursing credentials, ethics, and professional qualities.


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Publikasi (Publications)

Jurnal (Journals)

Noraliyatun Jannah, Dohra Fitrisia, Siti Sarah Fitriani, Rizki Y. Safira, 2022, Nursing students’ attitude towards problem-based learning in the classroom, Enfermeria Clinica, 32, S24-S29, 11308621.

Yanti, B., Maulana, I., Sofiana, D., Sufani, L., Jannah, N., 2021, Nasal rinse and gargling as an effort in preventing COVID-19 infection with Islamic approach – a literature review, Bali Medical Journal, 10 (2), 503-506, .

Yanti, B., Maulana, I., Sofiana, D., Sufani, L., Noraliyatun Jannah, 2021, Nasal rinse and gargling as an effort in preventing COVID-19 infection with Islamic approach – a literature review, Bali Medical Journal, 10 (2), 503-506, .

Dedy Syahrizal, Teuku Renaldi, Sukma Wulan Dianti, Noraliyatun Jannah, R Rachmah, Sarah Firdausa, Azizah Vonna, 2020, The Differences in Perceptions of Interprofessional Education Among Health Profession Students: The Indonesian Experience, Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 13, 403-410, .

Noraliyatun Jannah, Hanny Handiyani, Hening Pujasari, 2013, Strategi Pemberdayaan Meningkatkan Ikim Organisasi Perawat Pelaksana di Rumah Sakit, Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, No. 1 , 73, 2354-9203.

Noraliyatun Jannah, Rachmalia, 2013, Hubungan Kebiasaan Minum Kopi Dan Merokok Dengan Nilai Tekanan Darah Laki-Laki Dewasa Di Warung Kopi Kota Banda Aceh, Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan, No.2 /, 122-132, 2338-637.

Prosiding (Proceedings)

Noraliyatun Jannah, Halimatussakdiah, 2015, The Application Of Nurses’ Caring Attitude And Instrinsic Motivation For Hospitalized Patients In Aceh , Strengthening the Linkages of Emergency, Community and Public Health, and Nursing Management, Malang, Indonesia, , 28 Februari -1 Maret 2015, , , , .

Hamila Sari, Noraliyatun Jannah, Husna Hidayati, 2014, Pengaruh Terapi Kelompok Suportif terhadap Upaya Pencegahan Kekerasan Seksual pada Anak di Kec. Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh, Konferensi Nasional XI Keperawatan Kesehatan Jiwa, KONAS JIWA XI, Riau, November 2014, Riau, Rumah Sakit Jiwa Tampan Riau, , 9 772406 889008.

Buku (Books)

NNoraliyatun Jannah, dkk, 2019, Buku Saku First Aider (Title in English: Pocket Book for First Aider). , Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press. , 9786237086123.