Dr. Putri Bintusy Syathi, SE, MA
Tentang Saya (About Me)
I have been serving as a lecturer in Faculty of economics and business by the end of 2003, especially in public economics department. My interest is evolved around public economics hence my study and research are also developed around the subject. I have always tried to improve my ability through formal and informal education because my intention was to share my knowledge as much as I could. I believed sharing and transferring knowledge to others was not only to part of my duty but also part of spiritual enlightenment.
Publikasi (Publications)
Jurnal (Journals)
Putri Bintusy Syathi, Fitriyani, Ernawati, 2020, BLOCK GRANT (DAU) AND POVERTY ALLEVIATION IN INDONESIA , Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik Indonesia (EKaPI) , 7, 17-35, ISSN: 2442-7411 .
Putri Bintusy Syathi, Abdul Ghafar Ismail, 2015, Analysis of Government Budget in Islamic View: Case of Aceh Government Budget, Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam, 4, 67-78, E-ISSN: 2549-0648 |.
Putri Bintusy Syathi, 2004, Role of Small and Medium Enterprises (Informal Sector) in Indonesia’s Employment Condition , Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, Vol VI, , .
Prosiding (Proceedings)
Ernawati, Putri Bintusy Syathi*, Syaifullah Muhammad, Indra, and Hesti Meilina, 2019, Patchouli Oil Farming: An Alternative to Poverty Alleviation through Smallholders Business, , INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE CONFERENCE, Banda Aceh, 3-5 Oktober , , European Alliance for Innovation (EAI), , .
Ernawati; Syathi, Putri Bintusy; Muhammad, Syaifullah; Syechalad, Mohd. Nur, 2017, ANALISIS DAMPAK LIMBAH CAIR PABRIK KELAPA SAWIT TERHADAP PENDAPATAN MASYARAKAT , Percepatan Pembangunan Ekonomi Nasional Dengan Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Di Daerah, SEMINAR NASIONAL EKONOMI (SNE) V TAHUN 2017 , Lhokseumawe, 2017/10/17, , , 0, ISBN. 999-9999-99-9 .
Putri Bintusy Syathi, Prof Dr Abdul Ghafar Ismail, Ince Nopica, 2015, Anaysis of Government Budget in Islamic View:, Formulating Effective Public Policy in Islamic Economic System under the Framework of Shari'ah, international Conference on Shariah Oriented Public Policy in Islamic Economic System (ICOSOPP), Banda Aceh, 30-31 Maret 2015, Banda Aceh, IRTI dan UIN Ar Raniry, 0, .
Putri Bintusy Syathi,, 2012, External Shocks, Fiscal Policy, and Macroeconomics Fluctuations: A SVAR Modeling of Indonesia, Asia Emerging Economy toward Global Economic Integration, the 13th Malaysia-Indonesia INternational Conference on Economics Management and Accounting (MIICEMA), Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, 18-20 Oktober 2012, Palembang, FE UNSRI, , .