Rizanna Rosemary, S.Sos., M.Si, MHC., PhD
Tentang Saya (About Me)
Rizanna Rosemary completed her doctoral degree in Health Communication (Ph.D.) from the Media & Communication Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia. Her thesis is exploring how women in Indonesia interpret the anti-smoking Public Service Announcements (PSAs), and how social practice has an influence on the women’s meaning-making process towards the messages. She has a double master's degree in Health Communication (MHC) and in Communication Studies (M.Si), Faculty of Social and Political Science, the University of Indonesia. She has worked intensively in research and projects focusing on media and interdisciplinary issues, such as health, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), and environmental issues. Her health communication research is mostly in the issue of tobacco control, exclusive breastfeeding, and mental health.
Rizanna has experience in designing and developing content-based evidence in the form of (1) communication books, manuals, and flipcharts as an experimental education media for caregivers of Schizophrenia in Aceh Province, Indonesia. This is part of an Inter-University Partnership Program (IUPP) between Harvard University, Gadjah Mada University, and Syiah Kuala University supported by the USAID from 2011 to 2013. (2) The ‘Kenal Ibu” training modules for midwives and Care Health Workers (CHW) to detect peripartum depression in the field and to give support for mothers with depression in Banyuwangi and Banda Aceh city, Indonesia. (3) radio scripts for a regular radio talk show at Rumoh PMI 107.0 FM on tobacco-related issues working with the Center for Tobacco Control Studies (CTCS) Banda Aceh (2012-2013). Skills in facilitating capacity building training and workshops.
Publikasi (Publications)
Jurnal (Journals)
Heni Trisnowati, Rika Yulianti Fitri, Rizanna Rosemary, Ariyanto Nugroho, 2024, Opportunity for a Healthy Campus Program as a Sustainable Development Goal: Assessing Lifestyle Factor and Mental Health Status, Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education, 12 (S1, 20-28, 2540-9972.
Rizanna Rosemary, Hamdani M Syam, Faradilla Fadlia, Uswatun Nisa, 2024, Pemanfaatan e-tikbroh.yak: aplikasi jemput antar sampah non-organik rumah tangga di Kota Banda Aceh (Making use of e-tikbroh.yak--the pick-up and delivery non-organic waste service app in Banda Aceh), Bulletin Pengabdian Masyarakat USK, 3, 1-9, 2807-3975.
Rizanna Rosemary, Hamdani M Syam, Faradilla Fadlia, Uswatun Nisa, 2024, Pemanfaatan e-tikbroh.yak: aplikasi jemput antar sampah non-organik rumah tangga di Kota Banda Aceh (Making use of e-tikbroh.yak--the pick-up and delivery non-organic waste service app in Banda Aceh), Bulletin Pengabdian Masyarakat USK, 3, 1-9, 2807-3975.
Rizanna Rosemary, Ikhsan, Sari Rahmani, 2023, The Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccination in Aceh Province, Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi, 4(1), 33-45, 2776-3609.
Wiwit Artika, Rizanna Rosemary, 2023, Environmental STEM (E-STEM) in Building Climate-Resilient Communities in Aceh: Students’ Awareness, Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(8), 6238-6246, 2407795X .
Rizanna Rosemary, Hamdani M. Syam, Maini Sartika, 2023, Framing Disaster Coverage of Earthquakes and Tsunamis on Online Media, International Journal of Disaster Management, 6 (2), 141-152, 2527-4341.
Rizanna Rosemary, Ratri Ciptaningtyas, 2023, Food and cigarettes expenses during COVID-19 pandemic on diet quality in Jakarta and surroundings, AcTion: Aceh Nutrition Journal, 8(2), 278-287, 2548-5741.
Rizanna Rosemary, Maya Khairani, Zakirah Azman, 2023, Pendampingan psikologis dan komunikasi efektif para relawan penyintas kekerasan seksual di Yakesma, Baitussalam, Aceh Besar (Psychological and effective communication assistance for volunteers working with sexual violence survivals at Yakesma, Baitussalam, Aceh Besar), Bulletin Pengabdian Masyarakat USK, 3, 28-35, 2807-3975.
Rizanna Rosemary; Olaf Werder, 2023, ‘To smoke or not to smoke’: Indonesian women contesting and negotiating the taboo, Journal of Substance Use, , 1-7, https://doi.org/10.1080/14659891.2023.2202743.
Safrina Safrina, Nellyana Roesa, Rizanna Rosemary, 2022, Community Participation for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change: Case study the implementation of Program Kampung Iklim (Proklim), Batulis Civil Law Review, 3(2), 137-151, 2746-8151.
Winny Dian Safitri, Rizanna Rosemary, 2022, ANALYSIS EFFECT OF INCOME ON PEOPLE’S CIGARETTE CONSUMPTION LEVELS, Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi, 19, 168-175, 1829 - 8974.
Rizanna Rosemary, Novi Susilawati, Annisa Hanifah, 2022, Pengungkapan Diri Selebgram Aceh Melalui Instagram Story, Jurnal Komunikasi Global, 11, 2614-7998, 2614-218X.
Rizanna Rosemary, Zakira Azman, Ade Irma, 2022, Why Audiences’ Voice on Developing Anti-Smoking Messages Matters, Malaysian Journal of Communication, 38, , https://doi.org/10.17576/JKMJC-2022-3802-05.
Rizanna Rosemary, Tri Hastuti Rochimah, Novi Susilawati, 2022, Efficacy information in Government\'s initial responses to Covid-19 pandemic: A content analysis of the media coverage in Indonesia, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 77, 103076, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103076.
Rizanna Rosemary;Safrina, Safrina; Nelly Roesa, 2022, Communicating Social Capitals of Local Communities for a Sustainable Proklim in Aceh, CoverAge: Journal of Strategic Communication, 12, 1-25, 2087-3352.
Rizanna Rosemary, Novi Susilawati, Deni Yanuar, Nur Anisa, Mawaddah Idris, 2021, Perceived Effectivenessof the Anti-Smoking Public Service Advertisement on YouTube(#SuaraTanpaRokok), http://journal.lspr.edu/index.php/communicare/article/view/235, 8 (1), 1-19, P-ISSN: 2089-5739, E-ISSN: 2502-2091.
Rizanna Rosemary, Hamdani M. Syam, Nur Anisah, Deni Yanuar, Heru Syah Putra, 2021, Acehnese People’s Information Seeking Behavior about COVID-19, Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia, 6 (1), 161-170, E-ISSN: 2503-0795P-ISSN: 2548-8740.
Novi Susilawati, Ruliani Ruliani, Rizanna Rosemary, 2021, Pemanfaatan Media Sosial WhatsApp sebagai Media Perkuliahan Daring Selama pandemik Covid-19, Pedagogik Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh, 8, , P-ISSN: 2337-7364 E-ISSN-2622-9005.
Maya Khairani; Rizanna Rosemary; Risana Rachmatan; Lely Safrina, 2021, Developing Communication Book for Schizophrenia in Aceh: Prospects and Challenges, JURNAL ILMU PERILAKU, 5, 76-91, 2581-0421..
Heru Syah Putra, Rizanna Rosemary, Deni Yanuar, Abdillah Ahsan, 2020, The Effect of Cigarette Advertising on Smoking Behavior of Students in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia, Malaysian Journal of Communication, 36, 348-363, 2289-1528 .
Tri Hastuti, Hajarnur Setyowati, Rizanna Rosemary, 2020, Komunikasi Kesehatan dengan Pendekatan Agama-Budaya: Studi kasus 'Rumah Gizi' Aisyiyah, Global Komunikasi Jurnal, 9, 141-161, 2614-218X.
Rizanna Rosemary, 2018, Pilihan Media Pencari Informasi Kesehatan, Global Komunikasi Jurnal, 7, 169-182, 2614-218X.
Rizanna Rosemary, Saiful Mahdi, 2013, Tantangan Implementasi Sistem Pendidikan Berbasis Nilai Islami (SPBNI) di Aceh, Jurnal Pencerahan, 7, , .
Susy K Sebayang, Rizanna Rosemary, Dono Widiatmoko, Kartono Mohamad, Laksono Trisnantoro, 2012, Better to die than to leave a friend behind: industry strategy to reach the young, Tobacco control, 21, 370-372, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-0502.
Rizanna Rosemary, 2011, Antara motivasi dan tantangan berhenti merokok (studi kasus mahasiswa di Banda Aceh), Komunikologii: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komunikasi, 10, , .
Rizanna Rosemary, Safrina, Zulfikar Taqiuddin, , PENGEMBANGAN WIRAUSAHA BERBASIS LIMBAH NON-ORGANIK DI GAMPONG ALUE DEAH TEUNGOH (ADT) KOTA BANDA ACEH, RANGKIANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat , 4, 1, 2721-2688.
Elisabeth Kramer, Masduki Masduki, Rizanna Rosemary, Eni Maryani, Lestari Nurhajati, Anastasia Maria Sri Redjeki, , How Do National Laws Filter Down to the Local? Tobacco Control Regulations and Smoke Free Areas in a Decentralised Indonesia, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 1, 1-26, 10.1177/18681034231185159.
Prosiding (Proceedings)
Rizanna Rosemary, Novi Susilawati, Sari Rahmani, Nur Anisah, 2022, Exposure to Public Service Advertisements #suaratanparokok: A Sociodemographic Analysis, Advances in Health Sciences Research, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases (ICCvD 2021), Sleman, Indonesia (Online), 23-24 Oktober , open access, Atlantis Press, 1-9, 2468-5739.
Rizanna Rosemary, Hamdani M. Syam, Maini Sartika, 2022, HOW ONLINE MEDIA PORTRAY DISASTER IN ACEH AND PALU: A COMPARISON ANALYSIS, , Proceedings of Mercuabuana International Conference on Communication Sciences 2022, Bali, Indonesia, 2-3 November 2022, open access, Universitas Mercu Buana, 199-208, 978-623-92585-8-0.
Jamie W McCaughey, Ibnu Mundzir, Anthony Patt, Rizanna Rosemary, Lely Safrina, Saiful Mahdi, Patrick Daly, 2017, Societal acceptance of unnecessary evacuation, EGU General Assembly Conferenc, e Abstracts, , , , , 0, .
J McCaughey, PR Dewi, I Mundzir, R Rosemary, L Safrina, P Daly, A Patt, 2014, The science between tsunami science and evacuation decisions, AGU Fall Meeting, AGU Fall Meeting , , , , , 0, .
aif Eldin Hassan, Rahman Bin Hashim, Rizanna Rosemary, 2006, Audience Empowerment through Media Literacy: Challenges and Prospects, , , , , , , 0, .
Buku (Books)
Ayu 'Ulya, Rizanna Rosemary, 2023, Menulis untu Bertumbuh: Kumpulan Kisah Relawan Mendampingi Anak-Anak Penyintas Kekerasan, Banda Aceh, Bandar Publishing, 978--623-449-199-9.
Rizanna Rosemary, 2022, Komunikasi Verbal. In Tita Melia Milyane et al. (Eds): Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi, 2022, Widina Bhakti Persada Bandung, 978-623-459-190-3.
Nurjannah, Rizanna Rosemary, Said Usman, Hilman Syarif, 2022, Promosi kesehatan dalam Berbagai Perspektif, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, 978-623-264-693-3.
Ina Nusrina, Rizanna Rosemary, 2022, Dinamika Komunikasi Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19: Status Kasus Aceh Besar. In Nurjannah et al. (Eds): Promosi Kesehatan dalam Berbagai Perspektif, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, 978-623-264-693-3.
Rizanna Rosemary, 2022, Green Media. In Robert Brinkmann (Ed): The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability., UK, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham., 978-3-030-38948-2.
Rizanna Rosemary, 2021, Mendambakan Negeri tanpa Asap Rokok, Banda Aceh, Bandar Publishing, 2581-0421..
Rizanna Rosemary, 2021, Perempuan dalam narasi ngopi, ngerokok dan warkop di Aceh. In Saiful Akmal (Ed): De Atjehers 2: Dari Serambi Mekkah ke Serambi Kopi Jilid 2. Perempuan, Perubahan Sosial, Politik, dan Teknologi, Banda Aceh, Padebook, 2087-3352.
Rizanna Rosemary, 2021, Mendambakan Negeri tanpa Asap Rokok, Banda Aceh, Bandar Publishing, 2581-0421..
Rizanna Rosemary, Ade Irma, 2021, Jurnalisme Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Dalam Penulisan Opini Tentang Covid-19. In Hamdani M. Syam, et al (Eds): Etika dan Bisnis dalam Jurnalisme , Banda Aceh, USK Press, 9786232642607, 6232642600.
Rizanna Rosemary, Yayu Sriwartini, Aderina Farida, 2021, Komunikasi Lintas Era Book Series Volume 1: Public Relations di Era Digital, Banda Aceh, USK Press, 9786232641891, 6232641892.
Rizanna Rosemary, Marty Mawarpury, 2021, Urgensi Bingkai Positif Ketahanan Keluarga In Arfianshah & Rosemary (Eds): Keluarga dan Relasi Kuasa di Aceh: Catatan Refleksi Akhir Tahun 2020, Banda Aceh, Yayasan Pusat Penelitian Aceh dan Samudera Hindia (ICAIOS), 978-602060679-5-1.
Rizanna Rosemary, Darrick Evensen, 2020, Unveiling the ‘Green’: media coverage on the Aceh Green Vision. In Riyanti Djalante et al. (Eds): Climate Change Research, Policy and Actions in Indonesia., Switzerland, Springer Nature, ISSN 2352-0698 ISSN 2352-0701 (electronic) ISBN 97.