Dr. Ir. Rusdha Muharar, M. Sc., IPU

Tentang Saya (About Me)

Rusdha Muharar obtained the Sarjana Teknik (Bachelor of Engineering) degree from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, in 1999,  the M.Sc. degree from TU Delft, The Netherlands, in 2004 and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Melbourne, Australia, in 2012, all in Electrical Engineering. He was a post-doctoral research fellow at Dept. Electrical & Computer System Engineering, Monash University from Nov. 2012 to Nov. 2013. Currently, he is a senior lecturer at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Syiah Kuala University. His research interests are in wireless communications, information theory, and machine learning & its applications. 

email r.muharar@usk.ac.id

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Publikasi (Publications)

Jurnal (Journals)

Safrizal Razali, Fitri Arnia, Rusdha Muharar, Kahlil Muchtar, Akhyar Bintang, 2023, Improved Classification of Handwritten Jawi Script Based on Main Part of Script Body, Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi), 7, 94-104, 2580-0760.

Arnes Sembiring, Yuwaldi Away, Fitri Arnia, Rusdha Muharar, 2023, Parallelization of Concise Convolutional Neural Networks for Plant Classification, Journal of Ecological Engineering, 24, 61–71, 2299-8993.

Elizar, Mohd Asyraf Zulkifley, Rusdha Muharar, Mohd Hairi Mohd Zaman, Seri Mastura Mustaza, 2022, A Review on Multiscale-Deep-Learning Applications, Sensors, 22, 7384, 1424-8220.

Sayuti Rahman, Marwan Ramli, Fitri Arnia, Rusdha Muharar, M. Ikhwan, S. Munzir, 2022, Enhancement of convolutional neural network for urban environment parking space classification, Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management (GJESM), 8, 315-326, 2383-3572.

Khairul Munadi, Khairun Saddami, Maulisa Oktiana, Roslidar Roslidar, Kahlil Muchtar, Melinda Melinda, Rusdha Muharar, Maimun Syukri, Taufik Fuadi Abidin, Fitri Arnia, 2022, A deep learning method for early detection of diabetic foot using decision fusion and thermal images, Applied Sciences, 12, 7524, 2076-3417.

Roslidar, Muhammad Rizky Syahputra, Rusdha Muharar, Fitri Arnia, 2022, Adaptasi Model CNN Terlatih pada Aplikasi Bergerak untuk Klasifikasi Citra Termal Payudara, Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika, 18, 185-192, 1412-4785.

Baihaqi, Fitri Arnia, Rusdha Muharar, 2022, Dataset Kata Jawi untuk Sistem Pengenalan Tulisan Tangan Jawi Kuno, Jurnal Serambi Engineering, 7, 3546-3554, 2541-1934.

Isyatur Raziah, Yunida Yunida, Yuwaldi Away, Rusdha Muharar, Nasaruddin Nasaruddin, 2022, A New Adaptive Power Control Based on LEACH Clustering Protocol for Interference Management in Cooperative D2D Systems, IEEE Access, 10, 113513-113522, 2169-3536.

Isyatur Raziah, Yunida, Yuwaldi Away, Rusdha Muharar, Nasaruddin, 2021, Adaptive relay selection based on channel gain and link distance for cooperative out-band device-to-device networks, Heliyon, 7, , 2405-8440.

Fitri Arnia Ramadhani, Rusdha Muharar, 2020, Klasifikasi Otomatis Motif Tekstil Menggunakan Support Vector Machine Multi Kelas, Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer, 7, 99-108, 2528-6579.

Roslidar, Aulia Rahman, Rusdha Muharar, Muhammad Rizky Syahputra, Fitri Arnia, Maimun Syukri, Biswajeet Pradhan, Khairul Munadi, 2020, A review on recent progress in thermal imaging and deep learning approaches for breast cancer detection, IEEE Access, 8, 116176-116194, 2169-3536.

Yunida Yunida, Rusdha Muharar, Yuwaldi Away, Nasaruddin Nasaruddin, 2020, Efficient Relay Selection Algorithm for Non-Orthogonal Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Systems over Block-Fading Channels., Radioengineering, 29, 386-396, 1210-2512.

Rusdha Muharar, 2019, Analisis Kinerja MIMO Masif dengan Teknik Precoding Maximum Ratio Transmission, Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi (JNTETI), 8, 280-289, 2301-4156.

Yunida, Nasaruddin, Rusdha Muharar, and Yuwaldi Away, 2018, Linear precoder design for non-orthogonal AF MIMO relaying systems based on MMSE criterion, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2018, , 1687-1499 .

Nasaruddin, Didi Rahmadi, Rusdha Muharar, 2018, Penghematan Daya pada Sistem Komunikasi Kooperatif Two-Way dengan Pengaturan Rasio Data Rate, Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, 7, 190-196, 2301-4156, 2460-5719.

Fityanul Akhyar, Nasaruddin, Rusdha Muharar, 2017, Efisiensi Energi Sistem Komunikasi Kooperatif Multi-relay Quantize and Forward Berdasarkan Pemilihan Relay, Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, 6, 66-73, 2301-4156, 2460-5719.

Cut Mutia, Fitri Arnia, Rusdha Muharar, 2017, Improving the Performance of CBIR on Islamic Women Apparels using Normalized PHOG, Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 6, 271-280, 2089-3191.

Zulfan, Fitri Arnia, Rusdha Muharar, 2016, Deteksi Pemalsuan Citra dengan Teknik Copy-Move Menggunakan Metode Ordinal Measure dari Koefisien Discrete Cosine Transform, Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro, 5, 165–174, 2302-2949.

Safrizal, Fitri Arnia, Rusdha Muharar, 2016, Pengenalan Aksara Jawi Tulisan Tangan Menggunakan Freemen Chain Code (FCC), Support Vector Machine (SVM) dan Aturan Pengambilan Keputusan, Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro, 5, 45-55, 2302-2949.

Rizal Fikri, Fitri Arnia, Rusdha Muharar, 2016, Pengenalan karakter tulisan tangan jawi menggunakan metode new relative context dan SVM, Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi (JNTETI), 5, 233-238, 2301-4156, 2460-5719.

Rusdha Muharar, Randa Zakhour, Jamie Evans, 2014, Base Station Cooperation with Feedback Optimization: A Large System Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 60, 3620-3644, 0018-9448.

Rusdha Muharar, Randa Zakhour, Jamie Evans, 2013, Optimal Power Allocation and User Loading for Multiuser MISO Channels with Regularized Channel Inversion, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61, 5030-5041, 0090-6778.

Prosiding (Proceedings)

Hendrik Leo, Khairun Saddami, Roslidar Roslidar, Rusdha Muharar, Khairul Munadi, Fitri Arnia, 2023, A Mobile Application for Obesity Early Diagnosis Using CNN-based Thermogram Classification, , International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC), Bali, , , IEEE, 514-520, .

Elizar Elizar, Mohd Asyraf Zulkifley, Rusdha Muharar, 2023, Scaling and Cutout Data Augmentation for Cardiac Segmentation, Proceedings of International Conference on Data Science and Applications, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 552, International Conference on Data Science and Applications, https://www.icdsa22.scrs.in, Kolkata, India, 26-27 Maret 2022, Singapore, Springer Nature Singapore, 599-609, 978-981-19-6634-7.

Raihan Islamadina, Khairun Saddami, Maulisa Oktiana, Taufik Fuadi Abidin, Rusdha Muharar, Fitri Arnia, 2022, Performance of Deep Learning Benchmark Models on Thermal Imagery of Pain through Facial Expressions, , IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT), , , , IEEE, 374-379, 978-981-19-6634-7.

Nasaruddin Nasaruddin, Nazuar Rafli, Yunida Yunida, Rusdha Muharar, 2022, Network Planning and Performance Analysis for 5G mmWave in Urban Areas, , IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT), Solo, Indonesia, 3-5 November 2022, , IEEE, 258-263, 978-981-19-6634-7.

TM Iqbal, Fitri Arnia, Rusdha Muharar, 2021, The over-height vehicle detection using the computer vision method, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, AIC 2020, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 15-16 Oktober 2020, , IOP Publishing, , 1757-899X.

Elok Berutu, Rusdha Muharar, Nasaruddin, 2021, Joint relay selection and energy harvesting to improve performance of cooperative communication systems, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, volume 1087, AIC 2020, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 15 -16 Oktober 2020, , IOP Publishing, , 1757-899X.

Arnes Sembiring, Yuwaldi Away, Fitri Arnia, Rusdha Muharar, 2021, Development of concise convolutional neural network for tomato plant disease classification based on leaf images, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, The Intenational Conference on Industrial Automation, Smart Grid, and its Applications, Madiun, Jawa Timur, Indonesia, 4-5 November 2020, , IOP Publishing, , 1742-6596.

Isyatur Raziah, Yunida Yunida, Rusdha Muharar, Yuwaldi Away, Nasaruddin Nasaruddin, 2021, Implementation of LEACH protocol for cluster head selection in D2D cooperative communication systems, , International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering (COSITE), Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 20-21 October 2021, , IEEE, 171-175, eISBN: 978-1-6654-2509-4.

Sayuti Rahman, Marwan Ramli, Fitri Arnia, Arnes Sembiring, Rusdha Muharar, 2020, Convolutional neural network customization for parking occupancy detection, , International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs), Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 27-28 October 2020, , IEEE, , 978-1-7281-8199-8.

Sayuti Rahman, Marwan Ramli, Fitri Arnia, Rusdha Muharar, M. Luthfi, Sundari, 2020, Analysis and comparison of hough transform algorithms and feature detection to find available parking spaces, Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol. 1566, 4th International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2019 (ICCAI 2019), Medan, Indonesia, 26-27 November 2019, , IOP Publishing, , 1742-6596.

Rusdha Muharar, Jamie Evans, 2018, Performance analysis of massive MIMO networks with random unitary pilot matrices, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Barcelona, Spain, 16-18 April 2018, IEEE,, IEEE, 0, 1525-3511 .

Yunida, Nasaruddin, Rusdha Muharar, Yuwaldi Away, 2018, Implementation of the Alamouti STBC for multi-pair two-way wireless networks with amplify-and-forward MIMO relaying, , International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation (ICITSI), Bandung, Indonesia, 22-26 October 2018, , IEEE, 15-519, 978-1-5386-5693-8.

Fikri Haikal, Nasaruddin Nasaruddin, Rusdha Muharar, 2017, Suboptimal power splitting of energy harvesting in cooperative communication system, , International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs), Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 18-20 October 2017, , IEEE, 169-172, 978-1-5386-2934-5.

Rusdha Muharar, Randa Zakhour, Jamie Evans, 2012, Base station cooperation with limited feedback: A large system analysis, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Cambridge, MA, USA, 1-6 Juli 2012, -, IEEE, 1152 - 1156, 2157-8095.

Rusdha Muharar, Randa Zakhour, Jamie Evans, 2012, Base station cooperation with noisy analog channel feedback: A large system analysis, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Ottawa, Canada, 10-15 Juni 2012, -, IEEE, 2303-2307, 1550-3607.

Rusdha Muharar, Jamie Evans, 2011, Optimal training for Time-Division Duplexed systems with transmit beamforming, Proc. Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW), IEEE Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW), Melbourne, Australia, 31 Januari 2011- 3 Februari 2011, -, IEEE, 158 - 163, 978-1-4244-9714-0.

Rusdha Muharar, Jamie Evans, 2011, Optimal power allocation for multiuser transmit beamforming via regularized channel inversion, Proc. the Forty Fifth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 6-9 November 2011, -, IEEE, 1393 - 1397, 1058-6393.

Rusdha Muharar, Jamie Evans, 2011, Downlink Beamforming with Transmit-Side Channel Correlation: A Large System Analysis, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kyoto, Japan, 5-9 June 2011, -, IEEE, 1-5, 1550-3607.

Buku (Books)

Sayuti Rahman, Marwan Ramli, Fitri Arnia, Rusdha Muharar, Muhammad Zen, Muhammad Ikhwan, 2021, CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKS UNTUK VISI KOMPUTER, Yogyakarta, Deepublish, 978-623-02-3539-9.