Said Muniruddin, SE.Ak, M.Sc

Tentang Saya (About Me)

SAID MUNIRUDDIN has been a lecturer in the Accounting Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Syiah Kuala University since December 2003. In 2011 he took part in the establishing of the International Accounting Program (IAP). Previously in 2007 he participated in the setting up the Small Medium Enterprises Center (SMEs-C) that provides services in the development of entrepreneurship for both students and various communities in Aceh. In addition to teaching, he delivers training on leadership to various regions and universities in Indonesia. Said Muniruddin's activities, thoughts and contributions both in the social and professional sphere, can be accessed at:

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Publikasi (Publications)

Jurnal (Journals)

Said Muniruddin, 2012, Peran Perempuan dalam Lintas Perekonomian Global: Studi Kasus Indonesia, MELATI, Vo.9, Hal.4-15, 1829-8982.

Said Muniruddin, 2011, Governmental Accounting Innovations: An Application of FMR Model in Indonesia, The Indonesian Journal of Accounting Research (JRAI), Vol.14, Pg.143-158, 2086-6887.

Said Muniruddin, 2011, Traditional Budgeting or Beyond Budgeting?, Majalah Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Humaniora MENTARI, Vol.14, Hal.57-70, 1411-2620.

Said Muniruddin, 2010, The Reform of Governmental Accounting: A Discussion of Lueder’s Financial Management Reform Model., Jurnal Telaah dan Riset Akuntansi (JTRA), Vol.3,, Hal. 68-83, 1693-3397.

Said Muniruddin, 2010, The Complexity of Public Sector Performance Measurement, AT-TASYRI, Vol.II, Hal.225-238, .