Mohd. Syaryadhi, S.T, M. Sc

Tentang Saya (About Me)

I completed Master degree at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 2012. I did my thesis entitled "Metal Insulator Metal (MIM) Diode Modeling and Fabrication" at Microwave Laboratory, Prince Sultan Advanced Technology Research Institute (PSATRI). In my thesis research, I modeled MIM with different analysis of barrier. Finally, I compared the model with the fabricated MIM device that employed Cr-CrO-Cr. The fabricated device was also characterized for computing sensitivity of device. Current research: A secure online image trading in untrusted environment. Research interest: microelectronic, image processing, and electronics device characteristics.


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Publikasi (Publications)

Jurnal (Journals)

Khairul Munadi, Fitri Arnia, Mohd Syaryadhi, Masaaki Fujiyoshi, and Hitoshi Kiya2, 2015, A secure online image trading system for untrusted cloud environments, springerplus, 4, 477, .

Mohd. Syaryadhi, Purwandi Hasibuan, dan Suhardi, 2015, Penggunaan Accelerometer MMA7361 sebagai Alternatif Pengukuran Lendutan pada Jembatan Secara Nirkabel Berbasis ATmega32, Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika, 11, 183-188 , 2252-620x.

Nacer Debbar, Mohamed Syaryadhi, and Mohamed Abdel-Rahman, 2014, Fabrication and characterization of chromium-chromium oxide-chromium metal-insulator-metal (MIM) tunnel junctions, THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL - APPLIED PHYSICS, 68, 30302, 1286-0042.

M. Abdel-Rahman, M. Syaryadhi, and N. Debbar, 2013, Fabrication and characterisation of high sensitivity copper-copper oxide-copper (Cu-CuO-Cu) metal-insulator-metal tunnel junctions, Electronics Letters, 49, 363-364, 0013-5194 Online: 1350-911X.

Prosiding (Proceedings)

K. Munadi ; F. Arnia ; M. Syaryadhi ; H. Kiya, 2015, A Content-Based Image Retrieval for Visually Protected Image Database, , Multimedia and Broadcasting (APMediaCast), 2015 Asia Pacific Conference on, Bali, 23-25 April 2015, Indonesia, IEEE, 0, 978-1-4799-7966-0.

K. Munadi, M. Syaryadhi, F. Arnia, M. Fujiyoshi, and H. Kiya, 2013, Secure online image trading scheme using DCT coefficients and moment invariants feature, Consumer Electronics (ISCE), 2013 IEEE 17th International Symposium, Hsinchu, 3-6 Juni 2013, Hsinchu, IEEE, 291-292, 0747-668X.

Training/Diklat (Workshops)

06-10-2015, Aplikasi Faculty and Staff Dashboard (FSD) untuk Dosen dan Karyawan Universitas Syiah Kuala, UPT Pusat Komputer dan Sistem Informasi Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh