Dr. T. Meldi Kesuma, S.E., M.M
Tentang Saya (About Me)
My name is Teuku Meldi Kesuma. I was born on 15 May 1975, Banda Aceh. I am a permanent lecturer at Faculty of Economics and Business University of Syiah Kuala. My field of interest is marketing, specifically marketing communication. I hold a doctorate degree from Universiti Sains Malaysia. I completed my PhD degree from this university in 2015 majoring in Islamic Marketing with a sub specialization in Islamic Advertising. I have been also actively involved in USAID (The United States Agency for International Development) projects for 10 years. My contribution includes as a communication consultant for projects of DBE (Decentralized Basic Education) and Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (PRIORITAS). I also hold a Certificate Marketing Communication from the Association of Indonesia Marketing Company. In addition, I also have been awarded a certificate from International Development Group: Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International.
Publikasi (Publications)
Jurnal (Journals)
Rachmad Syukran, Muhammad Adam, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2023, The Influence of Self-Efficacy Creativity and Employee Engagement on Employee Performance and Its Implications on The Performance of PT Angkasa Pura II Branch Office at Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport in Aceh, International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 6, 82-95, 2581-6888.
Ratu Fathin Raniya, Permana Honneyta Lubis, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2023, The Influence of Social Media Marketing and Store Atmosphere on Purchase Decision Mediated by Consumer Trust in Millennial Coffee Shops in Banda Aceh, International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review , 6, 144-155, 2581-4664 .
Muhammad Leofiola, Mukhlis Yunus, T Meldi Kesuma, 2023, The Effect of Digital Marketing and Brand Positioning on Saving Decisionwith Brand Awareness Asmediation at Bank Aceh Syariah of Banda Aceh Branch, The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, 7, 185-191, 2581-3889.
Abdul Muzammil; Safrika; Adib; M. Ridha Siregar; T Meldi Kesuma, 2023, The Role of Gender on the Effects of Product Quality Attributes and eWOM on Tourist Visit Decision and Revisit Intention: Agro-Tourism in Aceh, International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT), 28 (1), 465-480, 2509-0119.
Hendra Halim; Fakhrurrazi; Jalaluddin; Khairil Umuri; Teuku Muhammad Syahrizal; Teuku Meldi Kesuma; M. Ridha Siregar; Iskandarsyah; Meutia Dwi Novita Sari, 2023, Post-COVID-19 Tourism and Creative Economy Development Potential and Strategies: A Case study in Sabang, Aceh, IAR Journal of Tourism and Business Management, 3 (2), 1-9, 2789-6021.
Munahar; Said Musnadi; T Meldi Kesuma, 2023, The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Good Government Governance on ASN Work Motivation and Its Impact on Government Performance of South Aceh District, International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 6 (04), 131-156, 2581-6888.
Tiara Sutari AR; Mukhlis Yunus; T Meldi Kesuma, 2023, Analysis Of The Work-Family Conflict Influence On Female State Civil Apparatus On Job Satisfaction And Employee Performance With Organizational Commitment As An Intervening Variable (Study At The Aceh Women Empowerment Service And Child Protection Office, International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review, 6 (02), 89-100, 2581-4664.
Rizqi Khairunnisa, Faisal, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2022, The Effect of Work Overtime on Work Stress and Family-Work Conflict and Their Impacts on The Performance of Aceh Financial Management Agency Employee, International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review, 5, 100-112, 2581-4664.
Muhammad Syahrizal, Faisal, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2022, The Effect of Interpersonal Conflict and Leadership Style on Work Stress and Their Impact on Employee Performance at the Aceh Regional Secretariat, International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, Volume, 90-101, 2581-6888.
Muhammad Syahrizal, Faisal, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2022, The Effect of Interpersonal Conflict and Leadership Style on Work Stress and Their Impact on Employee Performance at the Aceh Regional Secretariat, International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 5, 90-101, 2581-6888.
Ida Ayu Fadhillah, Ahmad Nizam, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2022, The Role of Employee Engagement and Creativity in Mediating the Effect of Information Sharing and Leader-Membership Exchange (Lmx) On the Performance of Employees of Muhammadiyah Aceh University, International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review, 5, 211-225, 2581-4664.
Endang Kurniawati, Said Musnadi, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2022, Analysis of Position Based on Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (Bars) and Personnel Capacity on Career Development and Its Implications on the Aceh Selatan Regional Secretariat Employee Performance, International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 5, 56-65, 2581-6888.
Mawaddah Warahmah, Hamdi Harmen, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2022, The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance and Organizational Performance Mediated by Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Banda Aceh Pln Customer Service Implementation Unit , International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review, 5, 15-29, 2581-4664.
Muhammad Yuzan Wardhana, Widyawati Widyawati, Rahmat Hermawan, T Meldi Kesuma, 2022, Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi Harga Cabai Rawit (Capsicum Frutescens L.) di Aceh, Paradigma Agribisnis, Vol 4, 69-83, 2621-9921.
Adnan Iskandar, Hasbul Fayadi, Teuku Meldi Kesuma, 2022, Peta Jalan Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Dalam Meningkatkan Promosi Dan Pemasaran Destinasi Wisata Kota Sabang, Konvergensi : jurnal ilmiah ilmu komunikasi, Vol 3,, 190-199, 2528-0546.
Baihaqi, Ridwan, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2022, The Effect Of Intrinsic Motivation On Job Satisfaction And Its Implications On Commitment And Performance Of Aceh Jaya District Education Office, International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review, 5 , 98-108, 2581-4664.
Aci Erfiyan, Muhammad Adam, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2022, The Effect of Organizational Commitment and Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction Mediated by Employee Performance in Tgk. Abdullah Syafi’I Beureunuen Regional General Hospital, International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 5, 125-139, 2581-6888.
Misbahul Jannah, Mahdani Ibrahim, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2022, The Effect of OCB and Talent Management in Mediating the Relationship of Transformational Leadership Style on Employee Performance (Study in the Department of Education and Culture of Bireuen Regency), International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 6, 56-65, 2581-6888.
Helvy Ramadhani, Said Musnadi, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2022, The Role of Work Engagement and Innovative Behavior in Mediating the Effect of Happiness at Work on Employee Performance with Service Climate as a Moderation on Employees of Bank Syariah Indonesia, International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 5 , 74-84, 2581-6888.
Tumiga Fadlan, Nadirsyah, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2022, The Effect of Leadership and Competence on the Human Resources Management Practice and Their Impact on the Work Unit Procurement of Goods and Services in Aceh Selatan, International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 5 , 37-55, 2581-6888.
Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad, Farah Hanan Muhamad, Mahathir Muhamad, Wan Mohd Yusuff Wan Ibrahim & Teuku Meldi Kesuma, 2021, Why Kelantan Entrepreneurs Prefer Takaful Over Conventional Insurance?, Springer, 194, 1146-1152, 2367-3370.
Teuku Nanta Muda Dermawan, Mukhlis Yunus, T Meldi Kesuma, 2021, The Effect of Commitment and Culture on OCB With Satisfaction as A Mediation : Study on Nasdem Political Party of Banda Aceh City, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), V, 624-631, 2454-6186.
T Meldi Kesuma, Mukhlis Yunus, M. Ridha Siregar, Abdul Muzammil, 2021, Quality and Image: The Role of Satisfaction and Trust as Intervening Variables on Loyalty of Customer’s Internet Service Providers, Jurnal Manajemen dan Pemasaran Jasa, 14, 282-299, 0216-3780 ; 2442-9732 (PDF).
Cut Lisa, Sulaiman, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2021, The Effect of Transformation Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Where Trust and Job Satisfaction are as Madiation Variable (Study at PT. Bank BRI (Persero) Tbk. Banda Aceh Branch Office), International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 1, 1380 - 1402 , 2222-6990.
Muhammad Aziz, Nurdasila, T. Meldi Kesuma, Indonesia, 2021, The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Learning, and Innovation on Employment Engagement and Its Implications on Employee Performance of Malahayati Shipping Polytechnic, International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 4, 258-269, 2581-6888.
Muhammad Aziz, Nurdasila, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2021, The Effect of Reward and Individual Characteristic on Employee Performance and Their Impact on Organizational Performance at The Aceh Malahayati Shipping Polytechnic, International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 4, 258-269, 2581-6888.
Mukhtaruddin, Muhammad Adam, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2021, The Role of Organizational Commitment in Mediating The Effect of Job Characteristics and Organizational Support on Employee Loyalty of Muhammadiyah Aceh University, International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review, 4, 92-104, 2581-4664.
Ian Fahmi, Sorayanti Utami, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2021, The Effect of Product Quality and Customer Trust on Customer Satisfaction and Its Implications on Customer Loyalty PT. Bank Aceh Syariah, Jantho Branch, Aceh Besar District, International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review, 4, 10-16, 2581-4664.
Hendri Rahman, Iskandarsyah, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2020, The Effect of E-Goverment Utilization of Employee Performance and Its Impact on Work Effectiveness of Kemenkumham Aceh, International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 3, 98-105, 2581-6888.
Siti Paradita Saprina Boru Matondang, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2020, Pengaruh Store Atmosphere Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Muslim Di 212 Mart Banda Aceh, Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi Manajemen , 5, 469-487, 2614-7696.
Cut Maitriani, Abdul Rahman Lubis, Sofyan, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2020, Antecedents of Career Success of the Civil Servants (Case Study at District Level of Bappeda in Aceh Province), Talent Development & Excellence, 12, 2069-2080, ISSN 1869-0459 (print)/ ISSN 1869-2885 (online).
Jufriadi, Faisal, T. Meldi Kusuma, 2020, The Effect of Work Motivation on Job Performance through Improving Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment as Mediators : Study in Pt. Bank Aceh Syariah Sigli, International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 3, 357-368, 2581-6888.
Ismul, MM, Dr. Said Musnadi, MSi and Dr. T Meldi Kesuma, MM, 2020, The Factors Forming Employee Engagement And Its Impact On Organizational Citizenship Behavior : Study In Dispora Aceh, International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, Volume, 1-16, ISSN: 2581-6888.
Armitha Mekka, MM, Prof. Abdul Rahman Lubis, MSc , Dr. Muslim A. Djalil, MA , Dr. T. Meldi Kesuma, MM, 2020, The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Learning And Compensation Toward Employee Engagement With Trust As Mediating Variable (Study On Employees of Pt Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk Lhokseumawe Branch Office, Aceh, Indonesia), East African Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Volume, 188-196, ISSN 2617-4464 (Print) | ISSN 2617-7269 (Online).
Irfan Jafri, Iskandarsyah, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2019, Determinant of Organization Effeciveness: Study in Government Organization of Pidie Jaya, The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, 3, 137-144, 2581-3889.
Nana Nosra, Hafasnuddin, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2019, Determinant of Employee Turnover Intention in Government Organization Study in Aceh Women Empowerment and Children Protection Board, The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, 3, 159-167, 2581-3889.
Tauhid Mulia, Muhammad Adam, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2019, How The Organizational Commitment Works as a Mediation Variabel? Study in Aceh Natural Resources Conservation Centre, East African Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol.2, 416-420, 2617-4464.
Muhammad Harris, Teuku Meldi Kesuma, 2019, Pengaruh Daya Tarik dan Kepuasan Nasabah Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan KPR Pada Bank BTN Kota Banda Aceh, Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi Manajemen , 4, 409-421, 2598-635X.
Ikhsan Fajri, Muksal, Eddy Gunawan, Teuku Meldi Kesuma, 2019, Gala (Ar-Rahnu) as Micro Financing Instruments in Islamic Financial Institution in Aceh, Journal of Islamic Finance, 8, 43-49, 2289-2117.
Ade Ramalia, Muhammad Adam, T.Meldi Kesuma, 2019, The Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance in Regional Financial Management Board Aceh Besar, The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, 3, 13-18, 2581-3889.
Mariana, Said Musnadi, T. Meldi Kesuma, 2019, Does Women Leadership Matter for the Organization Effectiveness and Performance?, East African Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 2, 362-368, 2617-4464.
Rahmat Akbar, Mirza Tabrani, T. Meldi Kusuma, 2019, The Effect Of Customer Relationship Management And Service Quality On Trust And Its Impact On Customer Satisfaction In Aceh Syariah Bank, International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 4, 4487-4500, 2455-8834.
Rahmat Akbar, Mirza Tabrani, T. Meldi Kusuma, 2019, The Effect Of Customer Relationship Management And Service Quality On Trust And Its Impact On Customer Satisfaction In Aceh Syariah Bank, International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 4, 4487-4500, 2455-8834.
Rahmat Akbar, Mirza Tabrani, T. Meldi Kusuma, 2019, The Effect Of Customer Relationship Management And Service Quality On Trust And Its Impact On Customer Satisfaction In Aceh Syariah Bank, International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 4, 4487-4500, 2455-8834.
M. Ahdi Satria, Saiful Bahri, T.Meldi Keusuma, 2019, Determinant of Organizational Performance : Study In Aceh Regional Secretariat, International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review, 2, 6-12, 2581-4664.
Munir Fuadi, Teuku Meldi Kesuma, 2019, Pengaruh Performance Aplikasi Gojek Terhadap Consumer Purchase Intention dengan Role of Buyer Perception Sebagai Variabel Mediasi, Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi Manajemen, 4, 269-280, 2598-635X.
Nanda Khalisa, Dr. Teuku Meldi Kesuma, 2018, The Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth Instagram as Recommendations Halal Culinary Tour in Banda Aceh, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8, 1028-1046, 2222-6990.
Sulaiman Sulaiman, Ahmad Nizam, Farid Farid, Teuku Meldi Kesuma, Iskandarsyah Madjid, Ridha Siregar, 2018, The Role of Good Government Governance Principles in Enhancing the Performance of Public Organization in Aceh, Indonesia, Proceedings of the 1st Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018), 292, 731-738, 2352-5398.
Ikhsan Fajri, Muksal, Eddy Gunawan,Teuku Meldi Kesuma,, 2018, Bank Gala as Alternative Poverty Reduction Solution in Aceh Barat Daya District (Abdya), Advance Science Letters, Vol.24, 515-517(3), 1936-6612.
Teuku Meldi Kesuma, Nanda Khalisa,, 2018, The Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth Instagram as Recommendations Halal Culinary Tours in Banda Aceh, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 8, 1043-1060, 2222 -6990.
Teuku Meldi Kesuma, Fahrurrazi Amir, 2017, Pengaruh Service Quality terhadap Switching Behavior Pengguna Sim Card Telkomsel, Journal of Economic Management & Business, Vol.1/, 15-24, 1412-968X.
Teuku Meldi Kesuma, Suce Meutia Disa, 2017, Pengaruh Persepsi Risiko, Persepsi Manfaat dan Kepercayaan Terhadap Niat Pembelian Konsumen di Portal e Commerce Zalora co.id, Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi Manajemen, Vol.1/, 202-223, 2598-635X.
Teuku Meldi Kesuma, 2012, Prinsip dan Kriteria Periklanan Dari Perspektif Islam, Share – Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam, Vol.1/, 127, 2089-6239.
Prosiding (Proceedings)
T. Meldi Kesuma, Ari Palawi, Muhammad Haiqal, 2020, Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Based on Creative Economy, Role of Ethical and Moral Values in Promoting Sustainable and Just Economic Development in The Era of Distruptive Economy, The 2nd Aceh Global Conference on Business Economic and Sustainable Development Trends, Banda Aceh, 16-17 October, 2019, Banda Aceh, Aceh Global Conference on Business, Economics, and Trends (AGC – BEST), 74-81, 2722-6360.
Sulaiman Sulaiman, Ahmad Nizam, Farid Farid, Teuku Meldi Kesuma, Iskandarsyah Madjid, Ridha Siregar, 2019, The Role of Good Government Governance Principles in Enhancing the Performance of Public Organization in Aceh, Indonesia, Proceedings of the 1st Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018), Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Banda Aceh, 2018, Belanda, Atlantis Press, 731-738, 2352-5398; ISBN: 978-94-6252-644-0.
Teuku Meldi Kesuma, Ridha Siregar, Nurdasila, Ahmad Nizam, 2019, Kepuasan Pengguna Terhadap Integritas Pelayanan Tiket Online Bedasarkan Faktor Demografi, Proceeding of the 14th ISDEV International Islamic Development Management Conference (IDMAC 2019), Proceeding of the 14th ISDEV International Islamic Development Management Conference (IDMAC 2019), University Conference Hall, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 30-31 Juli 2019, Malaysia, Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), 434-445, 978-967-394-339-5.
Ikhsan Fajri, Muksal, Eddy Gunawan,Teuku Meldi Kesuma,, 2017, Gala (Gadai Tradisional) Sebagai Solusi Alternatif Pengetasan Kemiskinan, Eksplorasi Kekayaan Maritim Aceh di Era Globalisasi dalam Mewujudkan Indonesia sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia, Seminar Nasional II Universitas Serambi Mekkah 2017, Universitas Serambi Mekkah, Aceh, 24 Agustus 2017, Banda Aceh, Lembaga Penelitian dan PengaMian kepada Masyarakt Universitas Serambi Mekkah, Banda Aceh, , 2598-3083.
Teuku Meldi Kesuma, 2017, Pengaruh Atribut Pelancongan Halal Terhadap Kepuasan Pelancongan Muslim di Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Halal-Green Development Management , The 12 ISDEV International Islamic Development Management Conference 2017 (IDMAC2017), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 29-30 November 2017, Malaysia, Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies , , 00000.
Teuku Meldi Kesuma, 2016, Advertising with a Conscience: Islamic Advertising Criteria and Analysis of Islamic Banking Advertisement in Television, proving Human Resource Quality through Research and Development in $school and Higher education, The 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research, Universitas Serambi Mekkah, Aceh, 19-20 October 2016, Banda Aceh, Lembaga Penelitian dan PengaMian kepada Masyarakt Universitas Serambi Mekkah, Banda Aceh, 0, 978-602-1632-69-7.
Buku (Books)
Edy Fradinata; Editor: Zurnila Marli Kesuma, T. Meldi Kesuma., 2022, Sistem informasi enterprises, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, 978-623-264-574-5.
Acai Sudirman, Susiana Dewi Ratih, Alfatih S. Manggabarani, Agus Supandi Soegoto, Kania Ratnasari, Jajang Burhanudin, Prisca Nurmala Sari, Dedi Mardianto, Hari Nugroho, T. Meldi Kesuma,, 2022, Manajemen pemasaran kontemporer, Bandung, Penerbit Widina Bhakti Persada, 978-623-459-111-8.
Teuku Meldi Kesuma, Sri Walny Rahayu, Rismawati, Syukriy Abdullah, Riha Dedi Priantana, Fakhruddin, M. Ridha Siregar, Rosalia Indah, 2022, Hak-Hak Dasar Perlindungan Konsumen Tren Milenial di Aceh, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, 978-623-264-779-4; 978-623-264-780-0 (PDF).
Abdul Rahman Lubis, Permana Honneyta Lubis, T. Meldi Kesuma, M. Ridha Siregar, Hendra Halim, 2022, Cara Membahas & Menulis: Kasus Manajemen Bisnis, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, 978-623-264-795-4; 978-623-264-796-1 (PDF).
T. Meldi Kesuma, M. Ridha Siregar, Abdul Muzamil, Radhia Humaira, 2022, Citra Destinasi Aceh Masa Pandemi Covid-19, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, 978-623-264-617-9; 978-623-264-618-6 (PDF).
Eva Rachmawati, Syafitri Hidayati, Tri Rahayuningsih. Editor: T. Meldi Kesuma., 2021, Community Economic Empowerment in Tourism Development in The Kepulauan Seribu National Park, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, 978-623-264-493-9.
Eva Rachmawati, Syafitri Hidayati, Tri Rahayuningsih; Editor: T. Meldi Kesuma., 2021, Community Economic Empowerment in Tourism Development in The Kepulauan Seribu National Park, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, 978-623-264-493-9.
Mukhlis Yunus, Muhammad Adam, Said Musnadi, T. Meldi Kesuma, M. Ridha Siregar, Mahdani Ibrahim, Hafasnuddin, Eddy Gunawan, Ahmad Nizam, 2021, Etika Bisnis Islami: Suatu Kajian Awal Bagi Pemula, Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University Press, 978-623-264-446-5; 978-623-264-447-2 (PDF).
Ikhsan Fajri Muksal Eddy Gunawan Teuku Meldi Kesuma, 2018, Bank Gala (Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah), Banda Aceh, Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Aceh, 978-602-8307-338.