Ir. Yudha Nurdin, ST.,MT
Tentang Saya (About Me)
Yudha Nurdin was born in Bangkok (Thailand) on October 1, 1979. He completed his Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2005 with the field of expertise in Computer Engineering. In 2009 he completed his study in Electrical Engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) with the field of expertise in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Since 2010 he becomes a lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah). In October 2015 he started his PhD research at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany with the topic of Multi-Agent System (MAS) and Smart Grid with the support of the LPSDM Aceh scholarship. Beginning in October 2017, he moved to the FernUniversität in Hagen in Germany to continue his S3 research which has been started from the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Publikasi (Publications)
Jurnal (Journals)
Khairun Saddami, Yudha Nurdin, Fina Noviantika, Maulisa Oktiana, Sayed Muchallil, 2023, Water Level Detection for Flood Disaster Management Based on Real-time Color Object Detection, KINETIK: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronicsm and Control, 8, 507-516, 2503-2259.
Yudha Nurdin, Bakri Brades Lumban Gaol, Masduki Khamdan Muchamad, 2022, Kajian Perbandingan Desain Sensor Pengukur Water Flow Di WTP PDAM Tirta Daroy Lambaro, Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Teknik Elektro (KITEKTRO), 7, 157-163, 2252-7036.
Budi Yanti, Yudha Nurdin, Teuku Geumpana, 2022, COVID-19 Severity based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Chest X-Ray Image in Aceh, Indonesia, Jurnal Respirasi (Journal ofr Respirology), 09, 30-36, 2407-0831.
Teuku Radhi Muhammad Fitrah, Yudha Nurdin, Roslidar, 2021, Rancang Bangun Pengembangan Pintu Otomatis Pendeteksi Masker dan Suhu Tubuh Menggunakan Raspberry Pi 4, Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Teknik Elektro (KITEKTRO), 6, 7-14, 2252-7036.
Kahlil Muchtar, Chairuman, Yudha Nurdin, Afdhal, 2021, Pendeteksian Septoria pada Tanaman Tomat dengan Metode Deep Learning berbasis Raspberry Pi, Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi (RESTI), 5, 107-113, 2580-0760.
Dwi Riesky Chandra Wiradhika, Yudha Nurdin, Fardian, 2021, Perbandingan Algoritma Boyer-Moore dan Algoritma Rabin-Karp Terhadap Kode Pos Wilayah Aceh, Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Teknik Elektro (KITEKTRO), 6, 1-10, 2252-7036.
Nasaruddin, Yudha Nurdin, Roslidar, 2014, The Development of Online Disaster Information System Using Location Based Service (LBS) Technology, Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT), 3, 47-58, 2252-8776.
Yozo Goto, Muzailin Affan, Agussabti, Yudha Nurdin, Diyah K. Yuliana, and Ardiansyah, 2012, Tsunami Evacuation Simulation for Disaster Education and City Planning, Journal of Disaster Research, 7, 9, 1881-2473(Print) / 1883-8030(Online).
Prosiding (Proceedings)
Yudha Nurdin, 2019, Understanding the Cascading Failures in Indonesian Power Grids with Complex Network Theory, Towards a Smart and Human-centered Cyber World, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence (IEEE CyberneticsCom), Banda Aceh, 22-24 Agustus 2019, Curran Associates, Inc., USA, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 0, 978-1-7281-0868-1.
Yudha Nurdin, Sayed Muchallil, 2019, Holonic Multi-Agent System for Microgrid Hierarchical Control, Towards a Smart and Human-centered Cyber World, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence (IEEE CyberneticsCom), Banda Aceh, 22-24 Agustus 2019, Curran Associates, Inc., USA, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 0, 978-1-7281-0868-1.
Nils Loose, Yudha Nurdin, Sajad Ghorbani, Christian Derksen, Rainer Unland, 2016, Evaluation of Aggregated Systems in Smart Grids: An Example Use-Case for the Energy Option Model, Practical Applications of Scalable Multi-Agent Systems, The 14th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS’16), Sevilla, Spain, 1-3 Juni 2016, Sevilla, Spain, Springer, , 1865-0929 / 1865-0937 (electronic).
Fathir Wafda, Rizqiya Windy Saputra, Yudha Nurdin, Nasaruddin, and Khairul Munadi, 2013, Agent-Based Tsunami Evacuation Simulation for Disaster Education, Proceedings e-Indonesia Initiatives Forum International Conference on ICT for Smart Society 2013, e-Indonesia Initiatives Forum, Jakarta, , Jakarta, IEEE Section Indonesia, 4, 978-1-4799-0145-6.