Dr. Yunita Idris, ST. M.Eng.Structure
Tentang Saya (About Me)
Dr. Yunita Idris is currently an academic staff in the Department of Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty of Syiah Kuala University. She was graduated from Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University in 2003. She pusued her master degree in structural engineering at Melbourne School of Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia in 2008. She holds a PhD in Structural Engineering from The University of Adelaide for her research on "FRP - Concrete-Steel Composite Structural members".
Dr. Yunita Idris has joined Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC) Syiah Kuala University as a researcher since 2016. She currently serve as the coordinator of Technology Application Research Cluster at TDMRC. She currently involve in some projjects including "INSPIRE: Indonesia School Program to Improve Resilience" Project collaboration between University College London, United Kingdom and TDMRC - UNSYIAH funded by Newton Fund. She took part as school infrastructure assessment in the project. She was also take a part in the rapid assessment team for earthquake damage post Pidie Jaya earthquake in 2016 and Lombok earthquake in 2018.
Her research interest includes : Vulnerability assessment of buildings in high seismic area, Post Disaster Assessment of Building structures, Seismic resistant structural material development, Recycled Construction Material, and Composite FRP.
She is happy to have any collaboration with other researchers with the same interest in Disaster Risk Reduction Research for community.
Her contact: yunita.idris@unsyiah.ac.id, or yunita.idris@tdmrc.org
Publikasi (Publications)
Jurnal (Journals)
Muhammad Maulana, Abdullah, Yunita Idris, 2021, Perilaku Pelat Ferrofoam Concrete dengan dan tanpa Pozolan Akibat Beban Impact, Teras Jurnal-Jurnal Teknik Sipil, No. 1,, 69-78, P 2088-0561 E 2502-1680.
Ibnu Rusydy, Yunita Idris, Mulkal,Umar Muksin, Phil Cummins, Muhammad Nouval Akram dan Syamsidik, 2020, Shallow crustal earthquake models, damage, and loss predictions in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Geoenvironmental Disasters, Volume, 1-16, 2197-8670.
Yunita Idris, Phil Cummins, Ibnu Rusydy, Umar Muksin, Syamsidik, Mohammad Yoza Habibie, Ella Meilianda, 2019, Post-Earthquake Damage Assessment after the 6.5 Mw Earthquake on December, 7th 2016 in Pidie Jaya, Indonesia, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, https:, 1 -18, 1559-808X.
Roberto Gentile, Carmine Galasso, Yunita Idris, Ibnu Rusydy, and Ella Meilianda, 2019, From rapid visual survey to multi-hazard risk prioritisation and numerical fragility of school buildings, Natural Hazard and Earth System Sciences, Volume, 1365 - 1386, 2195-9269.
Yunita Idris, Togay Ozbakkaloglu, 2016, Behavior of square fiber reinforced polymer-high-strength concrete-steel double skin tubular columns under combined axial compression and reversed-cyclic lateral loading, Engineering Structures, 118, 307-319, 0141-0296.
Yunita Idris, Togay Ozbakkaloglu, 2015, Flexural behavior of FRP-HSC-steel double skin tubular beams under reversed-cyclic loading, Thin-Walled Structures, 87, 80 - 101, 0263-8231.
yunita Idris, Togay Ozbakkaloglu, 2014, Flexural behavior of FRP-HSC-steel composite beams, Thin-Walled Structures, 80, 207 - 216, 0263-8231.
Yunita Idris, Togay Ozbakkaloglu, 2013, seismic behavior of high-strength concrete-filled FRP tube columns, journal of Composites for Constructiono, 17, , 1943-5614.
Prosiding (Proceedings)
Yunita Idris, Syamsidik, Muhammad Haiqal, Amirah Fasya, Sherlya Wahyuni and Tursina, 2021, Are vertical evacuation buildings in Banda Aceh meeting the building standards?, Sharing Tohoku-Aceh Experience, Knowledge and Culture, 12th ACEH International Workshop on Sustainable Tsunami Disaster Recovery: Sharing Experience, Knowledge and Culture 2019 7-8 November 2019, Tohoku, Japan, Sendai, Tohoku, Japan, 7 - 8 November 2019, UNITED KINGDOM, IOPScience, 0, 1755-1315.
VH Banyunegoro, U Muksin, Y Idris, 2020, Seismic microtremor experiment to determine seismic vulnerability of North Aceh, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, International Conference on Applied Sciences, Information and Technology 2019, 1-3 November 2019, Padang, Indonesia, 2020/5/1, Padang, Indonesia, IOP Publishing, 012053, 1757-899X.